Chapter 2

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Don't get me wrong he's a nice guy, but he just doesn't know how to be my father. That is why he has managed to break his promise in less then a week. She manipulated him once again. She told him that she didn't know my mother was pregnant and that he knows that she loves him. That he was her first and only love and he believed it. Now she has him wrapped around her finger.

"Chloe? Chole! It's time to go" oh I forgot to mention his surprise. I start school today, I know what your thinking. Yes he signed me up that fast, something about his parents being friends with the parents of the princible.

"I'm coming!" I walked down the steps as slow as humanly possible.

"If you don't hurry up I'm going to leave you."

"Be my guess, if you want to leave just leave it's not like I don't have my own car." When I was leaving England she said that I had to have a car for transportation and the future Queen can not and will not be seen pleading for a ride.

When I got downstairs my father stood next to my step sister with his arms crossed over his chest and a frown was held on his face. "I heard what you said to your sister Chloe and you have no right. All she was doing is trying to give you a ride"

"Your right d-"

"I recall telling you that the next time you called him that your face would be bashed in with my fist. But feel free to continue I'm in the mood to kick someone's ass." I went pass them and left making my way to the car. The drive too 15 minutes since it is real close to home. I parked in the spot right in front of the school. As I looked around kids were here and there talking to their friends. Everyone seemed normal except for this boy in the corner wearing casual clothes with glasses. He looked nervous, he was shifting from one foot to another. I left my car and made my way towards him. Girls gave me confused faces while the boys just started.



"I'm Chloe."


"Your probably wondering who I am. I'm-"

"Who the hell parked in my spot!" I know that voice from anywhere. I turned around to find her holding a spray can near my windows.

"If I were you I would put that down" her eyes burned with anger as she realized who's car it was.

"This is my spot"

"Did you pay for it? Is your name on it? I'm assuming the answer is no. Do yourself a favor, step away from my car before you cause yourself more imbarrasement." She stepped in front of me and whispered.

"Your lucky we're related" she stepped back and flipped her hair as she walked away. I will let it slide for now.

"You know her?"

"I wish I didn't. Anyway, it was nice meeting you"

"Nice meeting you too" I turned around and made my way to class.

~After School~

I walked into the house and placed my bag next to the couch as I made my way straight to the fridge. There I met my father's wife. "Where's my father?"

"He doesn't come back from work until 11 o'clock"

"Great. Just. Great."

"I know it is great. At least we will have time to discuss your behavior when your sister comes.

"Mom! I'm home"

"We're in here" She walked in giving her mother a hug and just pretended like I was not there. Not like I would want her to acknowledge my presence.

"Do you know how you and Max went shopping this morning?"


"Well after I got ready I offered this piece of trash a ride and she decided to get smart with me and then she threatened me in front of Dad" I moved toward her ready to give her a good slap on her face when a hand grabbed mine.

"If you think that for a second I will let you put your hands on my daughter you have me mistaken." She twisted my hand while her daughter knocked me off my feet and then grabbed a baseball bat. She took shots at my ribs making sure that every hit hurt more then the one before. I could hear my ribs crack at the fifth hit before I passed out.

When I awoke there was no one in the house. The clock read 10:30 when I decided to go to the hospital. My body didn't like the movement I was making so I was feeling dizzy but I divided I needed to pull through.

The GPS led me to an hospital surrounded by very little houses. I limped to the entrance when my legs broke out on me and soon after my body did.

Yes I passed out.
No I have never experienced this before.
Yes I did gave Nick my number.
No my father does not know my number.
No I don't know if I'm going to live after all the stuff I've been through
Yes if I am alive after this going to move out
Yes they are going to pay for what they have done

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