Chapter 13

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"What happened? Why don't you love him anymore? You must of loved him before you two got married," I am actually curious as to how all of this happened, because quite frankly I would've never thought that Nicole was straight. "I never loved him, I loved him as a friend, but it didn't feel real. He was my best friend all throughout college. He had the biggest crush on me, and my parents loved him. Also at the time, my parents didn't know that I was gay, so I did everything and anything to please them and make them happy." "So you put your happiness and feelings to the side to please your parents?" I ask. "Yes, I did. I wanted them to be proud of me, and I always hated to disappoint them. So, they thought that Jake was the one for me. Jake and I started dating my junior year of college, then we were engaged three months after I graduated. We got married at the courthouse with my mom and dad there, and that was basically it." "Oh wow, so what happened?" She smiles and looks down,"I wasn't happy, I wasn't happy with the job I had. I wasn't happy with myself, and he definitely didn't make me happy. I wanted to do something for me once. So one night, I packed up all my stuff and left. I wrote an apology letter to my parents, and in that letter I came out to them. I also wrote a letter to Jake saying how sorry I was to have put him through all of that, and attached the divorce papers to it. When him and I got married, I kept my maiden name." "Have you heard from your parents since?" "No. I haven't. I honestly don't care anymore. I'm happy for once, I am happy for me not for them." I smile, and she looks at me. "Waverly Earp you are what makes me happy, and you are the thing that keeps me smiling. Ever since I met you I knew that you were going to be the one for me...' Before she could continue, she looks at the door and I can see pure horror in her eyes. I turn around to see a lady and a man at the door. "Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?" she asks.

"Jake called and informed us that you were in the hospital. I was told that you weren't so happy to see him," her mom says. "You're right I wasn't. Not really happy to see you either, Mother." "Nicole cut it out, treat your mother with some respect," her father says. "Hello there, I am Nicole's mother you are?" her mom looks at me, "Waverly. Waverly Earp. Pleasure to meet you." I get up and shake her hand, and Nicole's fathers hand. "I'm Monica, and this is Jim. We are Nicole's parents." "No way, she's not dumb. Someone who isn't smart could figure that one out Mom," Nicole rolls her eyes. "Well I think I will be leaving, I have some things to do," I start heading towards the door. "Waverly please don't leave me here alone with them," Nicole begs."Nicole if your friend has things to do let her go, I think Jake will be back here in a minute. I told him we were here and he said he was on his way," her mom says. "She's my girlfriend Mom, not just a friend," Nicole adds,"and Jake doesn't need to be here, neither do you." "Girlfriend? No, sweetie you're married. You got married so therefore you don't have a girlfriend. Plus, you're not gay, you've never been nor ever will be," her mom replies. "Mom, I am gay. I filed for divorce months ago. Jake doesn't want to sign the stupid papers, so therefore I left. Waverly is more than just a friend. If you don't like it, then leave." This whole entire time I notice that Nicole's dad doesn't even input on anything, in fact he looks like he doesn't care. "Fine, then I guess we will be going. Man, you were such a good kid. I don't know who got you into this nonsense." Her mom stomps out while her dad stays behind. "It was a pleasure Ms. Earp, please feel free to call me. I would definitely like to know more about you, and how you treat my daughter. Ignore her mother, she's a sucker for tradition." He then walks out, and I look at Nicole who has a huge grin on her face. "Your dad seems like a nice guy," I walk over to her. "He is, I never knew that he was okay with it." I notice a tear fall from her milky brown eyes, I take my thumb and wipe it away,"Hey why are you crying?" "They aren't sad tears I promise. They are happy tears," she then starts to cry even more. "I'm just really happy that he did that. That he wants to get to know you."


Nicole stays in the hospital for two more weeks, and of course I stay with her. Within those two weeks I realized that I should be grateful for the food I have, because hospital food is the absolute worse. The jello is weirdly shaped, and not jello whatsoever. I am pretty sure that jello isn't supposed to look like pudding. Within those two weeks, we didn't see her parents or Jake at all, so that was nice. The only visitors that came were Wynonna, Dolls, Doc, and Nedley. Nedley only came to tell Nicole how her cat was doing, each time he came in he had more scratches on his face. "Nedley, I told you that she isn't too fond of men. I can get someone else to take care of her if you need me to," Nicole always said. "Wonder where she learned that from, and no I don't mind it at all. She keeps me occupied," he joked. The two weeks were slow, but fun filled.

The day finally came, Nicole gets tof finally go go home today, and I couldn't be more excited. Most of her wounds have healed, and she'll be able to go back to work soon. She's still very sore, so I get to keep an eye on her. I help her out of her bed, and get her clothes ready so she can change out of her hospital gown. "Let me know when you are done changing, so I can turn around," I say while turning to face the opposite direction of her. "Does this bring back any memories?" she jokes. "Oh my, yes it does. Shorty's. When I spilled that beer all over my shirt, and you had to help me because it got stuck. Yes of course I remember." I smile at the memory. "Well speaking of stuck shirt, I need your help I can't seem to get my shirt on because I am still kind of sore. Could you help?" I turn around and walk over to her. I grab the shirt, and she pulls me closer to her. "You don't really need help do you? You just wanted me to put your shirt on for you." "Well yes and no, I actually do need help, but I wanted to do this first." She grabs me by the waist, and my arms wrap around her neck. She leans in, and kisses me. It's passionate, but slow and gentle that is until she turns me and pushes me onto the wall. She puts my hands above my head, and her hands around my waist. She starts to kiss my neck, and as soon as she starts I hear the room door open. I open my eyes to see her dad standing there with flowers in his hand, and his jaw dropped. "Nicole, um your dad is here," I whisper. "Shit," she turns around. Oh what a great sight for her dad to see, Nicole's messed up hair from the kiss, also without a shirt on, and Nicole and I both out of breath, and we both have swollen lips. "Sorry to uh interrupt. I just figured that I um should um. Yeah," her dad says. 


A/N Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating. I have been super busy with school work, and stuff. So I will try and update more often!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :) Also thanks for the 4k reads, you guys are so great! Remember to keep voting, and to follow!

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