Chapter 15

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"Wynonna what the hell is going on?" I slam my car door. "Waverly you need to breathe for a minute okay. Just breathe," she wrapped her arms around me. "Just tell me, where's Nicole?" I ask. "She's inside talking to Nedley, something happened and she told me that you need to stay out here." "But why?" "Just trust me okay?" "Wynonna what is so bad that you can't.." and before I could finish my sentence Nicole walks out of the police station. Her face looks as if she had seen a ghost. Her eyes immediately meet mine, she tries to give a smile but it doesn't work. I break free from Wynonna and walk to her. "Nicole, what is going on?" I ask running up to her. She winced, I totally forget about her injuries she still has. She pulls out a note from her pocket, and she reads.

Nicole Haught,

New deal. I am giving you 5 days to find the girl. You can either find the girl, and she may or may not be dead. Or, you can give me Waverly in return in those 5 days. In a couple of days, there will be a symbol that will lead you to where you can give up Waverly. Only Waverly can come. If not then the girl dies. Your choice. Tick Tock.

My jaw drops, who could this possibly be? Wynonna looks at me,"We will find out who this is, and I really don't care if I have to kill someone. No one is laying a hand on my little sister." She takes her gun out of her holster and puts a bullet in it. "Okay Wynonna we get it, you can put your gun away. I have my team looking into the security footage to see who has been in my office. For right now though, we need to get Waverly away from here. Far away," Nicole wraps her arm around my waist. "Let me see the note again." Nicole hands me the note, and I read the words over and over again. I flip it over to see a picture of a young girl," Nicole did you see this?" I hand her the note. "Oh my god," her jaw drops. "What is it?" Wynonna steps forward to look at it. Wynonna's jaw drops, and she immediately looks at Nicole. "No way, it can't be. How would they even?" "I don't know," Nicole replies. "Do you know her?" I ask. "Yes, she does. That's her little sister," Wynonna answers. Nicole grows quiet,"Your little sister? I didn't even know you had one," I say angrily. "Of course you didn't because I don't really like to mention her that often," she snaps. "Why not?" "Because I thought she was dead, a long time ago," Nicole looks at her feet. I can hear her starting to cry. I wrap my arms around her to comfort her,"She went missing a long time ago, and they just assumed that she was dead. They searched for years and years, and they couldn't find a lead. It was just better to say that she was dead," Wynonna explained. Nicole looked back at me,"I thought she was dead, so I forgot about her. I wanted to forget every memory I had of her because it was my fault that she's dead or missing." "I don't think it is, here let's get you home. I'm sure that your deputies can handle some of this stuff." "Wynonna, make sure that nothing bad happens, and just stay with Dolls okay? I don't want anything bad happening to you." Nicole hugs her,"More than happy to say with Dolls. Just take care of my little sister, don't let her do anything stupid okay?" Wynonna hugs her back, and then she walks away. Nicole and I get in the car, and I start to drive.

The ride back to my place wasn't long, but it was very quiet. We arrive, and immediately I pour two drinks. I hand Nicole one, and she gulps it down, while I sip on mine. Nicole then pours another and gulps that one, then she reaches for the bottle and I grab her hand. "Nicole, getting drunk is not going to fix any of this," I put my hand on her cheek. "It'll make me forget it though," she says while still looking at the bottle. "Nicole what happened, you said that it was your fault, so tell me. What happened?" She shakes her head, and sighs,"We went to a party, just your casual high school party. My parents were out that night, and I couldn't leave her, so I brought her with me. She knew who most of my friends were, so it wasn't like she didn't know anyone there at this party. Long story short, I get completely wasted, and she met this guy. This guy made her leave the party and never came back with her. I wake up the next morning with a note laying on my chest, just exactly like this one saying that I was never going to find her. My parents blamed me for all of it, and her going missing was one of the main reasons why I became a cop. I became a cop to find her." "Nicole I promise we are going to find her," I say wiping a tear off of her cheek. "Waverly, as bad as I want to find her I can't risk losing you too." "You aren't going to lose me I promise." "You don't understand how long it took me to forget about her. I tried everything. I drank, I did drugs, I slept around. I was a bitch who didn't care because honestly, I didn't. I was trying to cover up my pain, and when I met you. Waves, when I met you it all went away. I forgot about every bad thing that I did and just focused on the goods. I came to a realization that my sister was dead, and that I was never going to get her back. I focused on you because you took that pain away. The times that I have been hurt, you were there. You make me feel good about myself again, and I just really don't want to lose you too." I feel a tear fall from my face, and Nicole leans in and kisses me. "I love you, Waverly Earp," she mumbles against my lips, "I love you too Nicole Haught." 

A/N Hey guys sorry for the late update on the story, I got really busy with some school work, and some other things. I will continue updating this story, and I will be working on the Carmilla story as well! Thanks so much for reading, hope you enjoyed the chapter!! 

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