ten: voicemail

978 91 24

yo, the time line for this story is so fucked cause i'm pretty sure that CIWWAF ended in May (, so I gotta go back and fix that shit up cause FUCKING KILL ME if that's the case(it's fixed now, changed it to july cause i hate myself lol).... i've never been good with time lines.... BUT IT'S OKAY, THIS CHAPTER TAKES PLACE IN OCTOBER WHICH IS WHAT I'M GONNA SAY IS THREE MONTHS (i really fucking suck at time lines, i want to cry... it's probably in reality two and a half months so... )SINCE THE LAST CHAPTER CAUSE FUCK I CAN'T DO THIS. 

ten: voicemail 


"Hi, you've reached Harry! You know what to do." I let out a sigh, biting on my lip as I get Harry's voicemail for the third time this week. I knew he was busy, I understood that he couldn't exactly come to the phone right now... but he could at least call me back. 

"Hey, H... It's me.... Again... Just calling to see how things are going for you in Peru? Or was it Cali? You move around so much right now I can't even keep track anymore... Anyways, just wanted to see how you were.... and I was wondering if you're thinking of maybe coming back for Liam's Halloween party... I know it's a long shot being since you couldn't make it for my birthday and all and it's okay... I understand why you couldn't and I really loved the hoodie you got me... and I know that it's still a good three weeks away, but I just ... I just miss you is all. Call me when you get the chance. I love you..." I say quietly, biting down on my lip as I put it back into the pocket of my jeans. I shiver a little before I walk back inside the bar where all my friends were waiting, smiling the best I could as I take a seat. It was just the four of us, Louis and Liam sitting on one side of the booth cuddling up like no tomorrow (which I was a little jealous of, but only because it had been nearly two and half months since Harry and I got to do that....) Zayn was sitting next to me, quirking an eyebrow as I sit down next to him. 

"You doing alright?" He asks, earning a small nod from me. 

"Yeah, just got his voicemail again... I'm sure he's just busy and that he'll call me tonight when he gets the chance." I whisper, biting down on my lip as I start to play with the sleeves of my hoodie. Zayn lets out a sigh, wrapping an arm around my shoulders before pulling me close to his side. It was comforting, but it wasn't the person I wanted right now. 

"If it makes you feel any better, Niall, he hasn't answered any of my calls for the past two weeks." Liam says, looking at me with a sympathetic smile but his words don't make me feel any better. 

"Thanks Liam... Like I said, he's probably just busy. He said something about the producer wanting them to go dark for a week, which I guess means no contact with anyone who isn't in the band." I say and I don't care if there's a bitterness to my tone of voice because at this point that's what I was. We'd been in constant contact since he left, this week being the longest we'd ever gone without talking. I was missing him like crazy... 

"Exactly, so there's no need to stress about it." Liam says and he almost instantly goes back to making lovesick puppy eyes at Louis. The sight makes me physically ill, but a lot of things were putting me off my stomach lately it seemed. I blamed it on the fact I was still getting used to Harry being gone, Zayn was convinced I was actually sick though and had gone as far as to get my mother to schedule an appointment for me with my doctor in Manchester which is where we were heading as soon as we were done here. 

"C'mon, Ni. Let's leave these lovebirds alone and get headed to Manchester. It's a long drive." Zayn says, patting my hip so that I would move out of the booth which would allow Zayn to get out. I do so slowly, not wanting to go in the first place so why would I care if we were late? Zayn lets out a dramatic sigh, rolling his eyes as I take my time and I was honestly surprised at this point that he hadn't pushed me out of the booth. 

"Niall, moving slower isn't going to put it off any longer. It's just going to increase our likely hood of me crashing the car because we're in a rush to get to your appointment." Zayn says and I finally stand up from my seat. I risk a glance at my phone in hopes that maybe Harry had texted me in the five minutes I had been back at the booth, but there was no such luck. Zayn throws his arm over my shoulders again, trying to cheer me up as we wave goodbye to our friends. 

"If you stop pouting, I'll buy you ice cream on our way back." Zayn says as we walk out to his car. 

"I don't want ice cream... I want my prince." I mumble, climbing into the car despite the fact that seeing a doctor was the last thing I felt like doing today. Zayn lets out another dramatic sigh once he climbs into the car, giving me his best serious expression.

"Well all I can offer you is ice cream, so take it or leave it." 

"Fine, but I'm getting toppings." 




qotc: WHAT'S WRONG WITH NIALL?!?!? (like you don't already know....... *cries and laughs hysterically at the same time*)

dedication goes to iguessidek




connie xx 

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