twenty-six: stay close, don't go

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twenty-six: stay close, don't go

"Well... this is fancier than usual." I found myself saying as Harry and I walk into the grand ballroom. Everyone appeared to be dressed in their nicest attire, sparring no expense but that was something I was getting used to with the Styles family. There were more people here than the last time, the only way through the room being shoving past everyone. Harry's grip on my hand is tight and he looks uneasy, biting down on his lip before he looks over at me. 

"My parents will be on the other end of the room... so stay close, yeah? Don't let go of my hand and just... Stay close." Harry says.

"So you want me to stay as far from you as possible? Got it." I say, biting back a giggle and trying to keep the best serious expression I could. Normally Harry would've laughed, shake his head and tell me how funny I was even though he didn't find it funny. 

But he doesn't do that this time.

"I'm serious, Niall." He says, keeping his voice steady but I can tell that he's freaking out. I wasn't sure what he was more worried about, me or the conversation he was about to have with his parents. 

"I know... I'm sorry... I just... I was trying to lighten up the mood." I say quietly, earning a nod from Harry before he places a small kiss on my cheek. 

"I know, I'm just... I'm not looking forward to this. Personally, I'd rather be hanging out on Liam's couch going over ideas for the nursery with you than here in this... place. But we're here now and I just want to keep you safe." Harry says, giving my hand a soft squeeze as he tries his best to smile but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. 

"I'll stay close." I promise and Harry takes a deep breath before he's leading me into the crowd. His grip on my hand is tighter than ever and I'm almost convinced he's cutting off the blood flow, but I don't say anything because I didn't want him to worry. 

Harry's still on edge even when we're out of the crowd and just a few feet away from his parents. They haven't noticed us yet, engaged in conversation with some people I don't recognize. Harry's father catches sight of us first, the smile on his face faltering for just a second but I seemed to be the only one who noticed. Harry takes a small step forward, keeping his hand in mine as he does so. He clears his throat to catch their attention, looking nervous as they both turn to look at him. Harry's mother seems to be happy to see us, pulling Harry into a tight hug while Harry's father stood off to the side much like he had the first time I had met him. 

He was looking at me with the same green eyes Harry had, but they were cold and made every fiber of my being stand on edge. 

"I'm so glad you were able to make it." Harry's mum says as she pulls away from her hug, smiling brightly but once again it didn't quite reach her eyes. 

"Yeah... There's uh... There's something I need to tell you both... Would it be okay if we step out for a few minutes for some privacy?" Harry asks, earning curious looks from both his parents.

"Will it take long? I've got several people I still need to speak with." Harry's father asks, a displeased expression on his face and he's tapping his foot impatiently. I found myself wondering if Harry's father ever cared about anything but his business, if there had ever been a time he put his family first. 

"Xavier, you can take a break for five minutes." Harry's mum says and Xavier lets out a long sigh before he gestures towards a door just to our left. Together the four of us walked out of the crowded ballroom and into an empty hallway. It's quiet for a moment, Harry not saying anything and his parents staring at us expectantly. Harry eventually clears his throat, looking at his parents. 

"Mum, Dad... I know this is going to be hard to believe, but I want you to hear me out and have an open mind..." Harry starts, risking a nervous glance my way and I give his hand a tight squeeze in hopes that would reassure him. Harry uses his free hand to grab out his wallet that he kept in his suit jacket, his fingers shaking as he opens it up to pull out the sonogram he'd requested from our last doctor visit. His hands are still shaking as he passes it over to his parents, his mother taking it from him first. She looks up with a confused expression, passing it over to his father as she stares at Harry. 

"Did you get a girl pregnant or something? I thought you were gay now?" She asks and Harry shifts nervously on his feet. 

"I didn't... I didn't get a girl pregnant... It's complicated... I don-" 

"It's me. I'm the one... I'm the one who's pregnant." I ended up saying, interrupting Harry's rambling before it got too far. Harry's mother is staring at me like I've lost my mind and Harry's father's expression is dark. 

"That's not possible." She says, shaking her head while Xavier just stares at Harry. 

"I know it seems crazy, but I swear that it's the truth... If you look at the name on there... it is my name. They're our babies..." I say, trying to keep the conversation calm and steady but I was pretty convinced Harry's mum was about to pass out. 

"Babies?!" She practically shrieks, her eyes bugging out and Harry instinctively moves in front of me. 

"I think it's best if the both of you leave. Now." Xavier says, keeping his voice steady but it was a scary kind of steady. 

"Dad, I-" Harry starts, but his father is already walking away. He practically shoves past Harry, nearly knocking me down in the process but Harry grabbed me before anything bad happens. Harry stares after his parents in disbelief as the door shuts behind them, blinking back tears. 

"H... Are you okay?" I ask, my voice barely over a whisper. Harry shakes his head before clearing his throat. 

"Let's just go, Niall." 


ah cheese, this was hella not dramatic enough for me and i'm disappointed in myself cause it's been three days and all i have is this shit show...

i blame it on the fact that i'm tired af and i suddenly got this new idea for a new book (LIKE I NEED TO WRITE ANY MORE BOOKS. I HAVEN'T UPDATED ANYTHING EXCEPT FOR THIS STORY FOR A MONTH, LIKE FUCK ME.) but basically it's a narry (duh, like i write anything else) and Harry and Niall are both famous singers for separate bands who write a lot of break up songs about each other cause that's just what they do. idk, it's still in the making but i like the idea and yeah. 

qotc: shit, idk.

dedication goes to MyNarryship




connie xx 

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