Chapter 1

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       College sucks. It might seem nice in the begining, but after about two months of it, it sucks.

       Allison walked down the road toward the apartment she shared with Barry Allen... her.... well, she didn't really know what they were at the moment. She just knew that they kissed and hugged and fell asleep curled together in the same bed every night. And she liked all of that, but she felt she was okay enough to date him. She was way over Scott. She knew she was over him when she moved out to Central City to go to college.

       She wanted to be Barry Allen's girlfriend but at the same time, she wondered if he even still wanted that himself. She rolled her eyes at her own dramatic thoughts and kept walking. At least she tried too, there happened to be a commotion going on up ahead.

       "You're not going to be able to stop us Flash." she heard a cold voice drawl. Funnily enough, she knew that voice.

       "Captain Cold, you can't just go around stealing things from jewelery stores just because you want them. I get it, you're a theif, but that's a one way ticket back to Iron Heights." Barry replied. She smiled to herself. She continued to walk toward what was going on, there were bystanders here and there, watching everything unfold.

       "You're going to have to catch me first Flash." Captain Cold laughed and pointed his ice gun at Barry's chest. Barry dodged it of course but Cold was faster. He shot ice at Barry's feet, enough to keep him from getting out long enough to be able to get away.

       "Crap!" Barry huffed. Allison seen him lift his hand to his ear piece. "No guys, he got away." he huffed, and Allison knew he was talking to Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow, his friends from S.T.A.R. Labs, who had been helping him from the begining of everything. Allison laughed at the adorable pout on Barry's face.

       "Hey Flash, need some help?" Allison called with a laugh, she was only a block away now. Barry's head whipped up. Once he saw her he groaned. He vibrated his whole body and was over to her in seconds.

       "Hey Alli. Where ya heading?" Barry asked, leaning into her personal space. She smiled.

       "Iris gave me the day off. I was heading home to get changed and then do some homework. Where are you heading?" she asked with a laugh. Barry rolled his eyes.

       "Probably S.T.A.R. Labs and then back to the CCPD to finish the pile of cases on my desk." Barry said quietly so that no one around them would be able to hear them.

       "Sounds boring." she gave him a bright smile.

       "It is. Want me to pick up some take out tonight?" he asked, and by the way he was standing, she could tell he was about to take off.

       "Mmm, yeah. Chinese from-"

       "The little place around the corner. Yeah, sure." Barry gave her a grin before flashing her to the apartment and then he was gone. She rolled her eyes and made her way up the stairs.

       Allison didn't even jump when Barry flashed into the apartment. She was used to it at this point. She still sat on the couch, laptop sitting across her lap, never even looking up and she typed away.

       "What are you working on?" Barry asked as he walked over, taking a seat beside her, leaving the bags of takeout on the counter.

       "Iris wanted me to write an article about the Flash and then she was going to present it to her boss to see if she could get it published for me. She wants him to let me have half of her job, so that we both share the article rights. Sometimes I'll write a piece and sometimes she will." Allison explained.

       "So, what are you writing about me?" Barry asked as he leaned in even closer. Allison looked over at him and smiled, kissing his cheek. She saved her work and shut the laptop.

       "You'll just have to wait and see." she grinned. Barry rolled his eyes but followed her when she went out to the kitchen to get some food.

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