Chapter 2 - New friends, Accidents, and Creepers

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    So when I get to school I do my regular routine. Which is go to my locker and get to class. My routine mostly consists of getting around not drawing any attention to myself.

    Things I do to survive this hel- I mean wonderful establishment for learning and education consist of: trying to not get in anybody's way, don't speak to anyone, and don't get detention cause that is just not a place where I would do well and again not drawing attention to my personal being.

     I go to my locker to take my books out, and all a sudden someone taps me on the shoulder. I just ignore it and continue searching for my books. The tapping doesn't stop so I turn around a little annoyed with the person.

      "Excuse me but can I help you?" I ask the person behind me not looking in there direction. I was trying not to get snippy with them because I don't want to be rude.

         "Yeah, could you please if you don't mind? I have no idea where anything is and I just moved here a week ago. I'm Ella by the way." she says holding her hand out smiling.

       "Are you talking to me?" I ask turning around to look at Ella. I had to blink a few times before I realized she was talking to me. From what I could tell she was petite with brown hair blue eyes and red-rimmed glasses and in fact new since I have not seen her before that I remember.

       "Oh yeah sure, I'm Hadley-grace but please either call me Hadley or Grace. I don't like hyphines but anyway  can I see your schedule?"I ask her as I introduced myself and shook her hand. She then handed me her schedule.

           "Okay, you can hang with me all day it seems we have all the same classes." I say while giving her schedule back.

          "Thanks now I have one new friend at this school." Ella said smiling at me.

          "Yeah, I guess you do and apparently I do too," I say smiling in return. I get the sense that she is familiar like I have met her before. I shake the feeling and walk with her to our first class.


     In between our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd hours I learned a little more about my new found friend. I found out Ella and I have a lot more in common than I originally thought. She told me that at her old school she was a nerd as well, and just hearing that made me feel like I wasn't the only nerd in the world and she also a only child.

      Right now I am on my way to my locker. After 4th hour I told her to go to the cafeteria and that I would go after I went to my locker. So here I am on my way to meet Ella when I run into something hard and I fall on my butt. When I look to see what I hit it wasn't something it was someone.

      Not any someone no, no it just had to be one of the most popular, annoying, and arrogant 

Don't forget smart, handsome, drool-worthy, I could really go on. Okay, you really need to shut it. 

jerk that has ever walked the halls of Monroe High School. It was none other than Oliver fudging Perkins. The one main person I wanted to survive high school without running into, and yes I had and still have a crush on him. It's been going on since the 5th grade. Let me guess your thinking ' just hike up your skirt and tell him how you feel' it is simply impossible I just can't. I know and I repeat I'm pathetic.

         "Hey nerd move you're in my way," Oliver's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

      "y-yeah s-sorry" I stuttered. By then he was already gone. When I realized he was gone I muttered "jerkwad," under my breath, I also mentally kicked myself for acting like a dying fish in front of him as well as just probably staring at him.

      So after I got up and collected the rest of my dignity I went on my way to meet Ella for lunch. When I got to the cafeteria I spotted her at a table in the corner of the room just looking around with her lunch sitting on the table.

After a few seconds, she saw me too and waved me over to the table.

        "Hey girly,what took you so long. You were gone for like 10 minutes?" she asked as I sat down at the table.

       "Sorry, it's a long story."I told  her.

      "Well we have about 45 minutes and I am not going anywhere,"she said head resting on her palms and eyes piercing my soul. So I broke and ended up telling her about Oliver, how long I have been crushing on him, the incident in the hallway moments ago, and all the juicy stuff that caused me to be late to lunch.

     "Oh my gondala, girl you got it bad for that boy. It's been what six years since you've started liking him you have to tell him how you feel? You just have to hike up your skirt, grow a pair and tell him woman!" she said practically yelled the last part.

      "Ella shut up, I don't want everyone including him to know, "I whisper yelled, "and I can't tell him it's simply impossible. I can't even form coherent sentences when he is around how in the world am I suppose to tell him how I feel?"I said.

       "Oh fine, but you do know one way or another he'll find out right?" she said.

       "Yeah I know, "I grumbled."Can we please stop talking about this and talk about something else?"I asked her.

       "Sure, have you ever been to a party before? You don't seem like you been to a real high school party."Ella said.

        "No, I haven't why do you ask?"I said.

         " Well, miss Grace I am going to teach you how to live. There is a party next weekend at this guy's house. I think his name is Alex and no excuses you are going." she said in a way that meant it was the end of the discussion .

       "Ugh. Okay, I guess since I don't have much of a choice. Wait a minute did you say, Alex?" I said.

       "Yes I think he is one of Oliver's friends, and you missy are still coming to no buts about it. Also, I am going to help you get ready on Saturday before the party."Ella said.

         "Okay fine, that sounds good I'll give you my number and adress so you can come over, but I have one question."I said. 

     "Sure what's the question," She said.

       "What kind of party is it?"I asked.

         "I think it's some sort of back to school party." she said shrugging.

      So after that, we discussed our plan for this weekend and talked about random stuff. I seriously need to reconsider my friend choices.


      So after lunch, we went to the rest of our classes and after school, Ella and I said our goodbyes and agreed to talk later.

Like I always do I walked home.

      For the past couple of weeks, I've had the feeling someone is watching me. I just thought I was being paranoid but, when ever I look behind me there is always this creepy looking SUV tailing me. So I always take different ways home to throw them off.

        I am getting tired of them and I don't even know who they are. It scares me not knowing who they are not that I would admit it. Especially since I know things most people don't about certain people and government agencies.

That's why I have taken mixed martial arts and am a 3rd degree black belt.

 I've finally got rid of them and I am finally home.


sup lovely readers,

  just tell me what you think, vote, and share hope you liked the chapter. till next time adios amigo/a's ;)*

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