Chapter-4 The Aftermath

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     ~Hadley's pov~

    My uncle came back and they went to dad's study to talk their issues out like big boys. When they came back my dad and grandpa had cooled off but they still looked a little peeved at each other and, my uncle had a look of relief on his face.

     "Now that that is settled I think it is time to go home," and with that uncle David gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead said goodnight and left with aunt Helen and ash who looked like the walking dead.

    After they all left I did dishes and went to bed wondering what happened and what that phone call was about.


        **Oliver's POV** 
**At work hours before**

     "Agent Perkins I have a new assignment for you." Said Director Lander in his big booming voice.

    "Yes,sir you have an assignment for me?"I said. This is my first real assignment it's been so boring just sitting here with no action.

    "Yes your assignment is to keep eyes on Hadley-Grace Parker from a distance as to not make her think we are the ones watching her." Said Lander.

    "Sir if I may what do you mean by not let her think we're watching her?"I asked confused.

    "Someone has been following her we asume it is one of the people that are related to a certain case."replied Lander.I felt angry and worried. I had to protect her no matter what it was my assignment and even if it weren't I would still be determined to keep her away from whomever the creep is.

   A little while later I went home after training for who knows how long.I took a quick shower and went to sleep wondering how in heck am I going to do about protecting Hadley.
      Hola chicka/os that are still reading this book even though this is most likely the worst book ever but thanks for sticking around love yall so much

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