Chapter 3- Family dinner (this should be interesting )

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      ok so I'm going to start this chapter in Oliver's pov from when he bumped into Hadley

love you guys who gave my story a chance enjoy ;)


      *Oliver's pov*

   "See ya later Alex,"I said then I felt something hit me or rather someone. That someone was none other than Hadley-Grace Parker the weirdest,and most anoying,

girl who has ever walked the halls of Monroe High School. well as weird and anoying as one can be while being quiet. It just had to be Hadley-grace Parker(the cutest little nerd and  some might say she is silent but beautiful. yeah that's right you just thought that. oh put a cork in it.). She hasn't always been quite up until 5th grade she used to talk a lot but something happened but I don't think to much about it.

    "Excuse me could you like uh move,"I said.She just sat there staring at me. It's like she is in a daze or something.


   "Hello earth to Hadley,"I said trying to get her attention. Okay so that obviously isn't working.

     "Hey nerd your in my way move."I half yelled.Okay I guess I could have been a little nicer but seriously this was the third time I have told her to move.When she finally snapped out of her daze and scooted over and I walked pass. As I walked by I faintly heard her stutter 'y-yeah s-sorry'.

   After that incident I left for lunch. I sat with all the guys : Alex, Nate, Ryder, Ryan, and Justin. We have known each other since kindergarten.We talk about random stuff and their like no scratch that they are my brothers(even though I have 2 annoying little ones).Well if they are your brothers why don't you just tell them. Shut up inner voice.

     "Hey Ollie you coming to my party this weekend?"Alex asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

   "Yeah man don't I always. why are you asking?"I asked

   "Oh, it's just that a little someone's crush is going to be there."Ryder said evily.

   "Oh, and who's crush might that. be?"I asked.

     "Idiot, Hadley is going to be there," Nate said like it was the most obvious thing in the whole world.

   "Guys I don't have a crush on her.I never have and never will."I all but yelled. yeah just keep on telling yourself that buddy.Would you just shut up already.

   " Dude you've had a crush on her since you figured out girls don't actually have cooties, and that was like maybe 3rd grade,"Justin said. 

   "I.DO.NOT.HAVE.A.CRUSH.ON.HER."I said getting mad.

    "Dudes got it bad,"Ryan muttered.

   "You know what forget you guys I'm out of here,"I said before I stormed out of the cafeteria. 


               *after school*


          I was walking home the way I usually walk.Which is the same way Hadley walks home.And before you go saying stalker we're neighbors people geesh.She doesn't know we're neighbors because I leave before her in the morning before school and after school I leave after her.

     When I got home I had to get ready for work.once I was done changing I was out the door.


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