Chapter 5- run, run as fast as you can you can't catch me..well I guess you can

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                                   **Hadley's Pov**

   My brain was screaming at me to stay home tonight. I have no clue why but it just was. Just so you know yes tonight is the party.It is also the day Ella is coming over to get ready for the party. I woke up wanting to side with my brain but knew I better get up or feel my mothers wrath and I definitely didn't want to go there. So as usual I got up took a shower and all that morning stuff.I grabbed my bag and keys,went downstairs,grabbed an apple,kissed my mom on the cheek and left for training.

    When I get home I am stinky,sweaty,and nasty.So I dicide to take a shower now instead of later.I hate feeling sticky and sweating. As soon as I was done getting dressed I heard



   "I got it,"I yell as I run down the stairs knowing already that it was my crazy friend El.

     "What's up girly you ready to get all pretty for your man Oliver?"she yelled as she gave me a bone crushing hug. which might I add nearly landed me on bottom.

 "For one he is not 'my man' and for two do I really have a choice in going."I said starting to whine.

"I'm afraid not chica.Oh my gosh it's already five o'clock.We better get dressed and ready ASAP if we're going to make it to the party."she nearly yelled and started dragging me up to my room to 'beautify' me for the party.

   When we got to my room I told her specifically nothing and I mean nothing girly.I always have and will hate anything girly.I mean it I will not wear a dress or be girly.Somehow (and she has to be a very persuasive person)got me to wear a dress.

   When I was done getting 'beautified' I went to look in my body legth mirror.I could not believe what I saw in the mirror I didn't see my self I saw a completly different girl a beautiful girl that was not me,that was most definatly not me looking back through  the mirror.

"Oh my god, Ella I love you. I'm suprised that you actually got me to wrear my contacts AND a dress."I said genuinely suprised she got me to wear them.

  "Yeah I know I'm good honey don't need to tell me twice."she said whilst looking at her nails while I just roll my eyes at her.

  "Ella you better get going if your going to get ready its already 6:30."I say realizing that it was going to take her an hour or so to get ready.

   "My good god mother of gummy bears your right.Wait but how are you going to get to the party?"she asked confused.

   "I've known Alex and them since I can't remember but it's been a while.He lives just a few blocks away I can walk I'll be fine.Now go home and get ready."I said practically pushing her out the front door.

  The party starts at 8:00 and it's only 7:00 so I decided to watch wolf blood for a while.After about two episodes it was aroud 7:45ish so I decided to leave since it was a fiffteen minute walk.

   "Mom I'm leaving I'll be back in a couple hours."I yelled.

  "Okay honey be safe alright."she yelled back.

"I will love you."I said and I was out the door.

    Right when I got outside I noticed there was a black SUV right down the street. I just kept on walking  toward Alex's house. That was until I saw it moving toward me.I then began to pick up my pace. It was getting closer and closer I didn't know what to do so I ran like the po-po were chasing me.(even though we all know your not supose to run when the people who are after you are in a flippin SUV wow how stupid can I be) All the sudden I saw the door open. I tried running faster but I knew I couldn't out run a SUV. Then the next thing I knew someone  yanked me back and my world went black.  

                                                                 **Oliver's Pov from that morning**        

      I woke up to my mom yelling at me to get up and ready for work. When I was ready I decided to go to Hadley's house right after and talk to her parents about how someone has been following her. Cause my guess is she thought she could handle them and they would just go away.She's been like that ever since we were kids when we were best friends.She would always get bullied and she wouldn't tell anyone about it and when I found out she told me not to tell anyone. I will never forget the day it got so bad she went to the hospital.

                                                          ***Flashback to freshmen year  ***

 "Hey what are you doing here ugly. why don't you go home and cry to your mommy"said Seth one of the many bullies hadley had.Also, someone I should have stoppped from bullying her. I wasn't there when he said that but after he did Hadley came to me and told me what happened. After she told me I wanted nothing more than to punch his face in instead I hugged her and tried to cheer her up. I told her to ignore him and the others and that  she would always have me as a friend. The next thinng I know I am being dragged to first hour by Alex and yelling down the hallway " See you after school gracie meet me by my locker".As me and Alex race down the hallway we hear a faint laugh and an "okay" from Hadley.

After school I went to my locker but when I got there she was't.I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that something bad happened.So I ran as fast as I could down to her locker but again she wasn't there.Where the heck are you Hadley-grace Parker  was the only thing I could think about at the moment.

    I went out of the main doors of the school to see if I could find her.I almost dreaded going out to look for her because of what I might find.

  I was right to feel dread because what I saw that night would forever be imprinted in my mind.

  It was Hadley-grace she was laying beside the school a little bruised and bloody. As soon as I saw her I ran to her and made sure she was breathing.By then I was crying and scared, more scared then I had ever been in my entire life.At that moment I thought I would lose the most important person in my life.

  She's breathing that's good. Calm down Oliver calm down. I thought to myself. I called 911 they were at the school in ten minutes.It felt like forever while I was waiting.

   I called her parents right after I called 911. Right when they got to the school Hadley was already on her way to the hospital.They gave me a ride to the hospital.On the ride there they told me they told me they had called my parents ,but I was barely listening. My mind was on one thing and one thing only Hadley.

   When we got there they said she was fine but they wouldn't let me see her.My parents talked to her parents about how she was doing.I knew my parents were keeping something.


   After a while we went home and I ended up not getting to see Hadley but I knew she was fine so I was okay.When we got in the car I decided to ask what they were keeping from me.

  "What are you not telling me,"I asked them in a small voice.

   "What do you mean by that Oliver we've told you everything we found out."said my father in a questioning tone.

   "When we were in there when you were talking I could see it in your eyes there was something you weren't telling me."I said in my small voice.

  "Drew just tell him already,"my mother said sounding tired.

"Fine, son Hadley hit her head pretty hard.So hard it knocked her unconscious they said she will have memory loss when she woke up she didn't remember you I'm sorry."my father said in a quiet voice. At that moment my heart shattered into a million pieces.

    *End of flash back*



   Sorry to you guys I haven't updated sooner I have had some personal issues.anywho vote comment share love y'all








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