District One:
Ryan: Darkflames99
Autumn: meDistrict Two:
Mars: Darkflames99
Viviane: meDistrict Three:
Sparrow: Teen_Shadows
Parents: meDistrict Four:
Alec: me
Tesley: KawaiiQIsDaMadHatterDistrict Five:
Zalin: KawaiiQIsDaMadHatter
Lexi: Darkflames99District Six
Gen: xX_BrokenForGood_Xx
Hailey: OzOfMunDistrict Seven:
Thomas: Darkflames99
Maeli: KawaiiQIsDaMadHatterDistrict Eight:
Chris: Teen_Shadows
Logan: ThAtFaNgIrLmAdIDistrict Nine:
Jack: xX_Ratotaskr_Xx
Luna: Darkflames99District Ten:
Fall: GalaxySnowLover
Jessica: GalaxySnowLoverDistrict Eleven:
Maya: Darkflames99
Lynx: xX_Ratotaskr_XxDistrict Twelve:
Navi: Showtime-
Ash: Teen_Shadows~~~~~~
Autumn runs away from the cornucopia.
Ryan finds a canteen full of water.
Mars runs away from the cornucopia.
Pennie runs away from the cornucopia.
Maya grabs a backpack, not realizing it was empty.
Logan runs in the cornucopia and hides.
Hailey runs away from the cornucopia.
Navi is unable to convince Gen not to kill her.
Thomas runs away from the cornucopia.
Luna grabs a first aid kit and runs away.
Chris grabs a backpack and runs away.
Zalin falls into a pit and dies.
Sparrow grabs a jar of fishing bait while Tesley grabs fishing gear.
Maeli runs away from the cornucopia.
Falls kills Lexi with a hatchet.
Jessica finds a backpack fill of camping equipment.
Lynx grabs a backpack, not realizing it was empty.
Viviane kills Alec for his supplies.
Jack runs away from the cornucopia.
Ash runs away from the cornucopia.
Day One