Ship Games:

37 1 68

District One:

Chressica (Chris Teen_Shadows and Jessica GalaxySnowLover )

Chrogan (Chris and Logan ThAtFaNgIrLmAdI )

District Two:
Penviel (Pennie and Naviel someone tag her)

Parrow (Pennie and Sparrow Teen_Shadows )

District Three:
Sisaac (Sirena and Isaac shadxw-wolf )

Lalin (Lexi Darkflames99 and Zalin tag her)

District Four:
Mall (Mars Darkflames99 and Fall GalaxySnowLover )

Ryviane: (Ryan Darkflames99 and Viviane)

District Five:
Juna: (Jack tag them and Luna Darkflames99 )

Spogan: (Sparrow Teen_Shadows and Logan ThAtFaNgIrLmAdI )

District Six:
Spaviel (sparrow and Navi)

Marsicca (Mars and Jessica)

District Seven:
Talec (Tesley and Alec)

Thailey (Thomas and Hailey OzOfMun )

District Eight:
Medward (Mia and Edward DmitrusXavierWalker )

Lorroyo (Lily ThAtFaNgIrLmAdI and Arroyo DmitrusXavierWalker )

District Nine:
Kolary: (Kovo book_nerd_54 and Clary Teen_Shadows)

Tyristian: (Tyra and Chris Teen_Shadows)

District Ten:
Ashviel (Ash Teen_Shadows and Navi)

Ashviane (Ash and Viviane)

District Eleven:
Penssica: (Pennie and Jessica GalaxySnowLover )

Kaya: (Kovo book_nerd_54 and Maya Darkflames99 )

District Twelve:
Tarett (Tyra and Grrett Akihokami )

Jorena (Josiah The_Wild_Celery and Sirena)


The Bloodbath:

Talec grabs a jar while Lalin gets fishing gear

Thailey scares Lorroyo away from the cornucopia

Parrow runs away from the cornucopia

Kaya runs away from the cornucopia

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