Darks Descendants rp Hunger Games Pt 2

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District One:

Ryan Darkflames99

Logan ThAtFaNgIrLmAdI

District Two:

Chris Teen_Shadows

Sirena me

District Three:

Sparrow Teen_Shadows

Autumn: me

District Four:

Isaac: shadxw-wolf

Tyra: me

District Five:

Garett  @Akihokami

Lexi Darkflames99

District Six:


Zalin -chimslilac-

District Seven:

Mars Darkflames99

Viviane: me

District 8:

Aaron: me

Pennie: me

District Nine:

Fall: GalaxySnowLover

Jess Darkflames99

District Ten:

Alec: me

Evelyn @mischevousbookworm

District Eleven:

Hayden: me

Maya: Darkflames99

District Twelve:

Thomas Darkflames99

Tesley -chimslilac-


Logan takes a handful of throwing knives

Sparrow runs away from the cornucopia

Chris runs away from the cornucopia

Aaron breaks Vivianes nose for a basket of bread

Lexi shoots an arrow into Pennies head (1st death, why Lexiiii 😭)

Sirena severely injures Zalin but puts him out of his misery (2nd death, payback)

Autumn runs away from the cornucopia

Fall runs away from the cornucopia

Ryan grabs a backpack and retreats

Maya runs away from the cornucopia

Tesley runs away from the cornucopia

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