Soccer Camp

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One more point tell Stonewell beats washburn. I have the ball, all the pressure is on me to get the last point. Dodging atleast five washburn players as I then get tripped by a washburn. The referee calls a foul. It's now just me and the goalie face to face. No players can interfer with me and this kick. I set the ball down on the ground. The whistle blows singaling I can kick it. I go to the left of the goalie then to the right and decide to kick it in the bottom left side of the net.

The crowd cheers. I just made the winning point! The team comes crowding me with joy and hugging me. We have just got 2nd in the country.

The next day I walk home from soccer pratice and check the mail. There is just bills and a envolope that says my name on it. I go and sit on the front entry stairs of my house. I set the bills down and look at my envolope that says it's from Edgewood Soccer.  Why would they be sending me a letter?

I open it up and it says:

Hello Mia Sawyer. We have seen you play the fields and we would like to have you participate in our summer long soccer camp. You will be studied a week and a half after you get there, to see if you will be on A, B or C team for the rest of he summer, for the soccer games. Camp starts June 1st. Hope to see you there.

          Edgewood Sport Tuition

OMG! I just got the biggest offer ever! I run inside trying to find my mother in the big house we have.

I find her sitting in the dining room in her black silky high low dress and her hair in a big bun on the top of her head. She's of course looking at stupid pageant dresses. She's obsessed with pageants and me being in pageants and all that stuff. Were the total absolute.

"Mom! I got a soccer tution for this summer!" I scream on my way over to her.

"Oh soccer" my mother says disappointed.

"Mom! I'm not doing those dumbass pageants. I'm going to this camp and its for the whole summer. I'm going in three days and thats it" I think I sound stern so hopefully she will let me go even if she doesnt I'm still going.

"I know you hate pagaents. I guess you can go but if you go you have to go to one pagaent after this camp"

"Whatever but I'm going to hate it more then anything. I'll be upstairs packing"

I walk up our long staircase to get to my room. I get a suitcase and my soccer bag and begin to pack my stuff.


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