i got your back

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Hey guys a new update yay !!!! I'm excited aren't you.

Listen to sia bird set fire for this one, I like this song a lot.
Whom of you watched the shallow , that creepy shark ate everything in his way , I chose this song cause Irine is like the actress Blake the one who plays the heroine in the movie , she did a great job ending that shark , the idea is Irine is a fighter and she will overcome her fears .
Okay ,okay I know I talked a lot.


I feel my head so heavy like I was in a coma , everything hurts , my dimples i can't even open my eyes they hurt .

I feel the sunrise from the closed curtains it's morning , and i don't recall what happened last night quite well , but i know better that i have a shift today.

I shake my head like it will do me good , i need an aspirin for this shit , i didn't drink that much last night .where this hangover came i don't have a clue.

I walk to the bathroom and let the water drop down my body , it's still cold but i like it this way.
After showering i go to my closet and grap a top ,my jeans and a long sleeve jacket , it's cold outside do I would need it.

After dressing properly I walk out of my room to the kitchen, I could use a breakfast now.

I  am met with all concerned Sydney .she snaps:
Are you alright!
How are you feeling !!
She fires me these questions and I look at her blankly .
What do you mean ?
She looks at me surprised .
You don't remember what happened last night??
She asks confused
I glance at her questioned what happened last night?
Nothing she says directly but i can sense that she's hiding something so i push a little , though i'm late for my work , Sydney is not the kind of person who gets paranoid about something .

Sydney what is it , what are you talking about?

She laughs at me and says " irine you had a lot of drink last night "

Mm i say back and?

That's it she says you were totally waisted and me and Danny brought you home .

Ahh i feel my cheeks burn , this is so embarrassing.
You mean Danny was around when I was drank I ask
Yeah she says he was the one who carried you to your room .
Oh God all this happened and I don't remember a thing .
Sydney looks at me in a way I can't place , but I swear I saw something.

Why I don't remember anything , this is weird .

And to top it off Danny saw me a hot mess last night , I think I should avoid him these days he probably thinks the worse of me.
I grab a glass of juice and a toast  putting them in my bag, clearly I'm late , or I would ask more questions of what was the real reason, cause I'm not buying Sydney's story.

Okay I say to Sydney, now I have work but I need an explanation when I go back .I lock eyes with her and I can see that she's no intention of telling me .

She eyes me , and says go you're late .
I grap my purse and head to the door and say bye to her.

I'm hoping i won't meet Danny today , seriously i have no idea how am i suppose to look at him.

I make it to the elavator without being noticed which is great .


I'm sitting in the kitchen when I hear foot steps , I turn my back and i'm stunned .

I just can't believe what i'm looking at " Irine with all her morning glory , like nothing happened the last twenty four hours . she looks okay and from the look on her face she's confused by my reaction , cause honestly my mouth dropped open at the sight of her.

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