
17 2 6

Hey guys hope u enjoy this one .
Listen to linkin park heavy for this chapter

I'm in the cab with Syd , she's mumbling random things.
I don't know what's going on in her head, i swear to God. I heard Carter's name.

She never told me about him and how they ended things.

Here we are mam" the taxi driver says to me.

Mm yeah i pay him and i help Sydney.
Oh God how am i suppose to get her into the alevator now .

It's pretty dark and  late , no one would be awake to help me.

Syd " i call for her
I need you to help me get you inside.
Hmm that's all what she says

Probably waking her up is not a good idea.

I try to drag her but she's not helping at all.

Not a good idea!
A very sweet voice snapps me.
I can feel chills run down my body, it sounds eerly unbelievable
How could a voice do this to me.

I turn around and I'm taken aback by all Danny's night glory.
He looks different from when i saw him in the club earlier.
He looks clear now , he's wearing a leather jacket.
And a white tank top , those outfits rock stars wear.

His dirty brown hair looks messy but cute.
It feels like he just stepped  out from the shower .
'Cause i swear i can smell his shampoo.

I try to hold my breath and speak .
Mm what's not a good idea.
He answers directly:
Why it is so easy for him to speak while i do the math to spell a word.

Well dragging a drunk person to an elevator alone is not a good thing.

Haha i laugh at that.
Well i don't have any choice.

Okay Irine i can help ,he looks at me with wide eyes.
your friend seems a hot mess , she needs a rest i guess.
I look at him and all what i do is nod.
How am i suppose to fight back his words ,it feels like he's got a chain over me.
I just forget my worries when i look at him , his eyes are so sincere and full of life.

Okay "
He steps near me and help Syd from the other side.
Danny graps syd left arm while I'm from the right side .
He lifts her over his arm .
I try to object, but it feels like her weight is not doing anything to him ,he seems genuine lifting her over his shoulder.
Of course why not with those big muscles
He can lift both of us without any pressure.

We are in the elavator now.

His gaze never withdrawed from mine.
It seems like he's looking at me and contemplating something.
Just like I'm a puzzle and he needs to figure me out.

Sydney's already passed out i can hear her breath.

I try so hard to break the tension by darting my eyes but it's hard to not look at him.

Irine i think I'm gonna vomit.
Syd says to me or rather whispers.

It.just hits me now.
She s about to puke.
Hold on we here .the last thing i want is her vomiting on Danny.

Oh please don't Syd .
Danny laughs at me.

Danny secure Syd while i open the door to my department complex.
Okay we are here , i take her hands and lead her to the bathroom.
Danny helps me ..
Thank God she waited till we got inside.
Now you can throw up.
I leave her there for a minute.

I walk to the living room where Danny is seated on the couch staring at my parent's pictures.

Okay please don't ask me
I say to myself.
He feels my presence and looks at me.
Is she alright ?
Yeah she will be better after taking a shower.

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