Accidents ~ Toddler! Harry Kid! Niall

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Prompt: Whenever you get a chance could you do one where Louis and Liam are the daddies and harry is in a headspace of 4 and Niall is in a headspace of 8 and they are in the car for. Long road trip and harry has an accident and Niall makes fun of him and gets In trouble but a while later Niall realizes he really has to go poo and he ends up having an accident as well which is super embarrassing since he's older?

Harry: ~4 years headspace~ 

Niall: ~8 years headspace~ 

Liam: Papi

Louis: Daddy.


Niall was happy, this was their first road trip, he was so excited. "Road trip! Road trip!" he was saying constantly as Harry was excited himself, kicking his feet in his car seat. "Yay! Hawwy's first road twip!" Harry says excitedly and Niall smiles slightly at his baby brother, they were going to be here for a few hours so they got comfy.

Louis was in the passenger seat while Liam was driving, "Papi! We goin on road twip!" Harry says to Liam and Liam chuckles. "Yes we are, baby." he responds smiling. Niall clapped his hands excitedly.  Niall then started playing with his game-boy as Louis turned over and watched as Harry was looking out the window with such fascination. Louis laughed quietly at his innocence, it was truly adorable. 

Harry then started to squirm but nobody noticed, Harry ignored it as he was known to have a really good bladder control. "Haaaaarrrryyyyy," Niall sing-songed, Harry looked over at his older brother. "Are you bored?" he asked and Harry nodded, even though the road trip was fun but he was really bored inside the car and they were going to be in the car for a long time. 

"Same," Niall frowned and pouted, Louis handed each of them a toy and Harry smiled. "Tanks, dad-dee!" he says and Louis giggles nodding. Harry was so busy playing with his toy, he didn't realize he relieved himself in his pants until he felt the liquid leaking down his jeans. Harry looked down as his pants were getting wetter and wetter by the second. Niall's nose scrunched in disgust as he smelt the familiar scent of urine, he looked over at his baby brother and noticed the wetness on his jeans. "Ha-ha-ha-ha! Harry weed himself! Ha-ha-ha! What a baby!" Niall laughed and Harry's eyes watered.

Harry then started bawling, loud sobs sounding throughout the  small car. Louis woke up frantically and looked over at Harry. "Harry? What's wrong? Baby! Baby! Shh!" he said as he took off the seat belt of the carseat and lifted Harry, cuddling him close. That's when he smelt it, he looked down. "Oh, baby, you had an accident." he cooed and rubbed his back, trying to calm him down but he just wouldn't. "Li, can you pull over so I can change Harry?" Liam nodded and parked as Louis got out of the car and got on the other side and laid Harry on the seats in the back, Niall stuck his tongue out as he quietly laughed and pointed at Harry. 

Harry's crying started again and Louis panicked, "Baby you're okay. What's wrong now?" he asked as he picked him up, he was changed into khaki shorts. "Big brudder make fun of Hawwy! Called Hawwy baby and waughed at Hawwy!" Harry sobbed into Louis' shoulder, gripping his shirt for dear life.

"Niall James Horan! You do not make fun of your baby brother! Apologize this instant." Louis commanded and Niall mumbled a 'sorry.' and Harry stopped crying, sobbing dryly as he was sat again, but this time not on the car seat. "Be nice." he says to Niall and Niall nods. 

Niall scrunched his nose as his stomach grumbled, he really had to use the bathroom but being 8 years old he had to hold it. He rubbed at his tummy as Harry looks over in concern, even though he was 4 he was still very sweet. "Ni-Ni hurt?" he asks worriedly, Niall shakes his head and smiles at him.

Niall's eyes widened as he accidentally foiled his pants, he cowered into himself as he blushed deeply and his eyes watered. Harry scrunched his nose in disgust just like Niall did and realized it was coming from Niall. Before Louis could ask if Harry went, Harry blurted out "Ni-Ni had accident! Ni-Ni go poo!" Harry says and Niall glares at Harry, but it softens as he realized he was just trying to help, he was just being typical Harry. 

Louis looked at Niall, who was crying silently. "Baby, you do know accidents happen right?" Niall nodded, "But i'm 8 years old." he mumbled as Louis helped him get out and got him new clothes for him to dress in. 

"Yes, but even adults have accidents occasionally. It happens to all of us, Ni." Louis replies and Niall sighs as he dresses into new boxers and some sweatpants. Louis hugged Niall and they got back in the car, Harry unbuckled himself and crawled over, curling himself around Niall trying to comfort him the best he could. "Ni-Ni, is otay! Hawwy had accident, too!" Harry reassures, now Niall feels really guilty. He was so mean to Harry when he had an accident, but Harry was being so sweet to him when he had one. 

"I am so so sorry for making fun of you Harry, i'm such a mean big brother." he says, looking down.

"No mean! Hawwy love big brudder!" he says and hugs him, Niall smiles and hugs back.

They soon fell asleep cuddling.

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