Doctors Trip - Baby! Louis

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Prompt: Can you do one where Louis is a little baby (2 months old in headspace) and has his check up at the hospital. He receives his first vaccines and is crying his heart out. At home he has bad reaction to it (fever, vomiting...), his parents are Harry and Liam and can you make it all fluffy and lovely? Thank you

Louis: ~2 months headspace~

Liam: Papi

Harry: Daddy


"Haz, it'll be okay," Liam reassures as he holds a gurgling Louis, who was squealing and playing with the toys Liam had in his hands. Harry was scared, more scared then Louis was, because today Louis was getting his very first needle. And he needed 2 shots. The poor baby was only 2 months and he needed to get his shots. 

Harry's hands were shaking as Liam placed Louis in his carseat, Louis looking around with wide blue eyes and squealed kicking his legs and drooling.  "These are his first shots, Liam! Who knows how he'll react to it," Harry had a few tears rolling down his cheeks, his baby was so happy and giggly right now and he hates it when Louis cries.

Liam wipes the tears away as he closes the door of the car, "He'll be okay." he says. "I'll drive," he tells Harry as Harry was in no state to drive. Harry climbed into the backseat with Louis and buckled up, Louis looked at him with big, wide eyes and squealed, his hands reaching out to Harry who grabbed his small hands and he gripped it as tightly as he could. While Liam was driving, Harry was playing with a happy Louis. Louis put Harry's index finger  in his mouth and bit on it, nibbling softly. 

"No, no, baby." he says as he pulls his finger out, Louis soon starts crying. But then replaces Harry's finger with his two fingers, sighing softly as he relaxes in his car seat. Soon, they were there. Harry unbuckles Louis and holds him on his hip, one hand on his bum as he walks into the doctors office. "Louis Styles," he says as before they did ageplay, they got married. So Liam was Liam James Styles and Louis was Louis William Styles. The girl politely told them to wait and they nodded, waiting on the chair. Louis looked fascinated by all the toys there, although he had really good luxury with toys back at home.

"Lewis Styles?" the doctor questioned and apologized as they told them the real pronunciation of Louis' name. Harry sat on the  seat thingy with Louis laying on his chest, "Are these his first shots?" Harry nodded. The doctor sighed and got the needle ready, once Louis saw it he made some noises and whined as it got closer. As soon as the needle pricked Louis' skin, Louis immediately started bawling.  Harry rubbed his stomach as he cried, trying to calm him. Louis was kicking around helplessly and accidentally kicked the doctor, but he seemed unfazed.

"Shhh, you're okay." Harry said as he held him close to his chest, as soon as Louis was close to being calm, yet another needle was pricked inside his arm and he was back to tears again. "Shh, all done, baby, all done." Harry says and allows him to cry onto his shoulder, rubbing his back and playing with the back of his head. His crying never reduced as he started to hiccup, Harry's eyes got teary as he was forced to listen to the crying of his baby.

As soon as they reached home, Harry ran upstairs and sat on the rocking chair, rocking Louis back and forth. Harry heard a sickly burp before he felt something leak down his back, "Oh baby." he whispered as he pulled Louis onto the mat, wiping his face to rid the vomit from his mouth. "Liam," Harry called for Liam and Liam came walking in, "Watch Louis, I need to change." Harry says and walks out, changing into a grey shirt and walking back in, seeing vomit on Liam.

Harry felt his head and it was really warm. "Oh! Liam, he has a fever! My baby is sick!" Harry cried and rubbed Louis' stomach. Louis' crying stopped for a few minutes and his eyebrows furrowed, Harry looked at Louis questionably. After 5 minutes, Louis was set off to tears again. Harry's nose wrinkled in disgust as he understood why Louis stopped crying for awhile. He grabbed a nappy and soon changed Louis.  He cuddled Louis close as Louis kept his face hidden in Harry's chest, crying.

"Baby, please stop crying," Harry begged and leaned him so he was on his lap, facing the floor. Louis was soon back to vomiting, as his white vomit fell onto the floor. Harry pat his back as he continued to vomit, once finished Louis was crying again. "We need to get him to the hospital, Liam, this isn't normal." Liam nodded and fetched his car keys, Harry slightly jogging with Louis in his arms, deciding to clean the vomit later on.

They went to the hospital and the vaccines didn't settle well with his body (I'm not a doctor idk how to explain it; his body had a bad reaction to the vaccines) so it led him to being sick. They got baby medication and they were soon home, cuddling with their no longer sick baby watching cartoons. 

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