Chapter 11

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They arrived at the Team 10 house and Molly craved some more of her mac and cheese with Nutella so she ran into the kitchen before anyone else was actually in the house so they wouldn't see and unpacked her food. She got her fork and started stuffing her cheeks.
Now she weirdly craved ice cream with curry sauce so rushed to the freezer and searched for the ice cream box. She eventually found it so she put it on the counter and drizzled curry sauce all over it before grabbing a spoon and shoving it into her mouth. Whilst she was doing all this, Emilio stood at the door watching the whole scene.
"Um.. Molly?" He asked.
She looked up and when she saw him, she went red with embarrassment.
"Oh! Emilio! I was just..-"
"Is there something you would like to tell me?"
Not now, he's already been thorough enough today!
"I'm just really hungry that's all."
He spotted the ice cream caked with curry sauce.
"Are you sure?"
"O-kay.." he said not so convinced.
"So what did you want?"
"Oh yeah! Jake has something to tell you."
"What's it about? Have I done something wrong?"
"No no! How could you do something wrong?" He smiled. She smiled back, blushed and fluttered her lashes.
"Okay. Tell him I'll be right there after I clean up."
Hmm I wonder what it could be?

After Molly tidied up, she went into the hall to see what Jake wanted. When she got there, she noticed all of Team 10 were also there. "What's going on?" She asked, slightly worried.
"Molly, would you like to become part of Team 10?" Jake asked.
"Oh my gosh! For real? YES!"
Everyone cheered and Emilio came and hugged her from behind. She laughed with everyone else except from Tessa. Tessa was furious! She would not have this. She needed to find a way to get rid of Molly. And now.
"Thankyou everyone! I really appreciate being a part of this amazing group and feel so special and blessed that I have such amazing friends like all of yous!"

After that, they had a small party, not only because of their new member, but it was also team 10's anniversary. There was music, snacks, partying, dancing and lots of drinks and alcohol.
Molly was offered a ton of drinks but she had to decline them all as she was pregnant. "Are you sure you don't want a drink? Not even a quick one?" Emilio asked her but she said,
"No, I'm good thanks. I don't like to drink that much."
"Okay. If you don't, I won't. I'm sure you don't want to be the only sober person here."
"True!" She laughed. They talked for a while and danced together when suddenly she felt the urge too... she sprinted away from their conversation and to the nearest bathroom where she threw up. Emilio ran after her and held her hair back as she did so.
"Molly, are you alright? This is like the fifth time in the past two days! Are you ill?"
"No I'm.. I just don't feel too good."
"If you have something that you want to tell me, just say it!" He put his hand on her shoulder and held her close to calm her. She sighed before grabbing his arm, pulling him into the living room and shutting the door.
"There is in fact something that I've been meaning to tell you for a while now."
"Go ahead."
"Promise you won't get mad?"
"When have I ever gotten into a huff with you?"
"Okay.." she took breath before blurting, "I'm pregnant."
"You're.. pregnant?"
"Yes.. we didn't use protection our first time due to the odds. You're not mad are you? If you are, I'll leave-"
"Don't you dare." He pulled her into a kiss.

Pregnant (Emilio Martinez)Where stories live. Discover now