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As expected, the Thalmor were not please to hear that Lord Telir had been killed. After finding his headless body, they sent out warrants for my arrest as well as the Thieves' Guild master, Mercer Frey, who was the prime suspect in my disappearance. My worst nightmare had come true: My new friends were in danger. However, Mercer merely smirked and gave me a wink.

"Nonsense," he chuckled. "We've been in worse before. We'll be fine now."

However, little could be done about my appearance in Riften. Upon recovering thoroughly--which sped up immensely thanks to Karliah's healing magic--I cropped my hair and was given men's clothing to wear in hopes that I could blend in better. But being half Imperial and half-Breton proved to create too exotic a look for me to go unnoticed entirely. So, after a night of sorrowful drinking and singing with the thieves, we came to the conclusion what was to be done. 

I was to leave Riften aboard an Argonian ship. I was to leave it all behind and never turn back.

And I'd never see Brynjolf again.


I had just finished packing my things when I heard a light rapping on the wall. Turning, I saw Brynjolf standing there. He wore casual clothing and no smile; he looked like he hadn't slept well. I turned and swallowed, still able to recall the night we spent together and how wonderful it had all felt to finally believe I would be with him forever. Such a foolish hope. Brynjolf approached me and sighed sadly; without a word, he took me into his embrace, stroking my newly cut hair and squeezing me tightly.

"Come with me," I murmured against his shoulder.

"I cannot, lass," he whispered hoarsely. "Don't ask me to do something I can't."

"But you claimed you loved me," I began to sniff. It was a low blow, but I couldn't help myself. He pulled back and took my face in his hands. Slowly, tenderly, he kissed me sweetly upon the lips. 

"I love you more than I love life itself," he agreed, pressing his forehead to mine. We gaze at each other for a sorrowful moment, then finally he pulled back. "I have to take you to the ship in an hour. Shall I leave you alone?"

"No," I caught his arm. "You shan't." I slipped from my clothes and he groaned in desire, sinking with me upon the bed one final time.


The ship I'd be sailing on was called the Dead Mermaid. I found it unpleasant and grim, but when the captain approached us, my mood lightened a bit. Captain Dar-Jei Caymeeran was a well-built Argonian man covered in golden arm bands and wearing the loose, supple clothing of many pirates. His scaly skin was the brightest azure blue I'd ever seen, a rarity in Argonians, so I was told. He was a perfect gentleman, carrying my things aboard and having his watch, a slender female Khajiit who he called Whisper, keep her sharp eyes out for Thalmor. 

"I'll give you two some time," he nodded at me and Brynjolf. "But don't take too long. The Altmer have their ways." And whistling, he went back aboard. 

I turned to face Brynjolf, allowing him to smile sadly. His eyes sparkled with tears and he cleared his throat. "Write to me?" he asked gently. 

"Every day until I die," I murmured, slipping my hand into his pocket. "That's for you."

He looked down, startled that I'd slipped my black ribbon into his pocket. "Lass," he started.

"It's yours," I whispered, standing on my tiptoes to kiss him. "I can't repay you enough for what you have done, Brynjolf."

"You already have," he sighed softly. "By staying safe."

He pulled me into his arms, kissing me deeply once more. I wish we could have stayed that way forever, but in truth it felt like five seconds. After we pulled away, I heard Dar-Jei clear his throat gently. "No more time, miss," he nodded. "We must be off. The winds are finally right."

"Alright, sir," I nodded. Tears streamed down my face as I boarded. We shoved off soon after and I remained leaned over the side, watching Brynjolf stare at me as we grew steadily further away. Behind me, a charming Nord with thick blond hair began to sing a shanty. He had a beautifully sad voice, so I allowed myself to cry once more. Brynjolf waved at me and I waved until he was nothing but a speck in the distance. 

"I love you, Brynjolf," I whispered when it was all nothing but a mere dot in the distance. "I love you so much."

And that was the true story of how I had my heart stolen by a master thief.


2 Years Later....

"Hoist anchor! We've reached land!"

I stood on the deck, the wind blowing through my salt-drenched hair. I was bathed in the sun, though my once-perfect skin now felt no heat. I was no longer used to fine rouge and powders. I stood in men's garb--billowy shirts, scarfs about my head, and breeches. It made for easier movement upon the sea and the bucking ship. Beside me, Dar-Jei gently touched my waist and I blushed deeply. In the two years that had past, I had forgotten about Brynjolf and his red hair. And nearly about the accursed Thalmor and the wretched Telir, though oftentimes nightmares plagued me. I was surprised and oftentimes disapproving of the feelings I held deep within my heart for the captain of the Dead Mermaid. But he had been so kind, so good to me. He had not turned me aside at the first sight of danger, much like I believed Brynjolf had done. 

And more importantly, he hadn't thrust me aside when she arrived on the ship.

"Mama!" a tiny voice called. I turned, smiling as Dar-Jei scooped up my tiny girl in his arms. She squealed in delight as the Argonian man with the vivid scales held her as if she were his own, not flesh and skin. The ache resonated deep in my heart as it had for two years now. 

Yes, my toddling girl may have had Bryn's fiery hair and freckles, but she was mine...with her gold Imperial skin and Dar-Jei's soft demeanor. 

It had come as a shock to me, I won't lie. I had just become accustomed to my sea-legs--as Dar-Jei called them--when my nausea ceased to stop. Soon I grew fat about the middle and lazier with each passing day. It was the Khajiit lookout, Whisper, to lay her clawed hand on my swollen belly and declare my ailment loudly to the rest of the crew: "The Imperial girl has a baby in her. Must be gentle or child will die!"

Dar-Jei's face had flashed that day, an odd, sad look that was burned in my memory to this day. It hadn't gone without my attention that the Argonian had developed a feeling for me. And I would have been foolish to say I didn't return the sensation. He was kind, strong, and motivational. But there were laws in Tamriel...laws that forbade Imperials like me to be with Argonians like him. I felt sickly and nodded, Dar-Jei returning my gesture with a smile as he raised his tankard. 

"Mama!" my girl, Penora, cried. 

"Yes, my sweet?" I beamed as Dar-Jei held her gently in his muscular arms. 

"Ship...stop!" Little Penny thrust a chubby finger at the deck. I nodded and kissed her salty head. 

"Aye, the shipped has stopped, wee one," I smiled at both her and the scaly man that held her. "And we're finally home. At least for a bit."

And I sighed in deep relief. 


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