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2 Years Later....

Riften would never change. 

I thought this while slamming my fist into a guard's nose. Without a second thought, I grasped the arm of my Dunmer apprentice, a lass we affectionately nicknamed Fang. She yelped as I tugged her into the shadows and slammed against the wall. I pressed us up against the stone and waited while the enraged Riften guardsmen rushed by, screaming and swearing. They'd caught her trying to lift the coin purse off of one of their companions. And let's just say they weren't too pleased about that. 

"Be quiet," I hissed, peeking around cautiously. When the cost was clear, we scrambled on the rooftop, hidden by the curve of the building. "Lass, what in the name of Nocturnal was that?"

"I'm sorry," Fang pouted, crossing her arms. "I thought he was drunker than that."

"Oy," I rubbed my forehead. Fang was a smart thing--pretty, too--but her recklessness was going to get her killed. "Look here, die, you'll never become a master thief. You get locked up for eternity, you'll never become a master thief. A guard takes a fancy to you, and drags you behind a building--"

"I slit his throat," she hissed, eyes blood-red.

"Atta girl," I winked; she blushed, beaming. I didn't like Mercer's approach of berating my apprentices. Especially the ones I could charm easily. But every now and then a tongue-lashing was called for. 

"In any case," she smiled crookedly, "I lifted his wedding ring off him. Think his wife will care much?" She tossed me a bejeweled ring and I chuckled. 

"Why you little imp," I smirked. "This alone is enough to feed the guild for a solid month."

"You're welcome," she bowed dramatically.

"Don't get cocky, lass," I instructed. "We still gotta make sure Mercer doesn't have any more tasks that need to be taken care of, aye?"

"Aye, Master Brynjolf," Fang sighed. She slipped her hood over her cropped black hair and followed me back to the Ratway.


"I dunno about feeding us for a month," Mercer grumbled. "But a week or two? Absolutely. Well done, little Fang."

Fang's chest puffed out like a fish and she smiled. "Thank you, sir!"

"Now go get some food and drink."

"Yes, sir," she hurried off, barely able to keep a spring out of her step. Once she was gone, I gently shut the door and studied my old mentor. Mercer was getting ornery in his old age--his hair was growing strands of silver and his strong jaw wane from too much drinking. I frowned; Mercer had always been a bit rough, but seeing him like this made me uncomfortable. 

"You alright, Mercer?" I asked. 

"Oh, don't fret like a nanny, boy," he snarled. "Just simply...well, grieving frankly."

I nodded and lowered my head. It had only been a few weeks since we'd learned of Gallus' death. It went without saying that everyone of us in the guild went numb upon hearing the news, but I couldn't shake that sense of suspicion. Especially when my other mentor, Karliah, disappeared only a day later. 

But surely that was none of my business, right? After all, Mercer, Gallus, and Karliah were Nightingales. Me? I was only a thief.

"Your little Fang is doing well," Mercer announced, crossing his arms. "How do you feel with her under your wing?"

"Me?" I smirked. "She's quick as a cat and agile as a squirrel, that one. She's got a sharp mind and an even sharper tongue."

"Does she take instruction well?"

"Aye, for the most part."

"Good," Mercer nodded. "Cuz with Gallus gone and Karliah fled, I need a second-in-command, which means you cannot dedicate your time to training any more apprentices for a while."

My heart stopped. "M-Mercer?"

"You've grown up these past two years, Bryn," Mercer said a bit more gently. "I...I'm proud of you. But now is the ultimate test. Are you up for it, boy?"

My heart swelled and I nodded dutifully. "Aye, Mercer. It'd be an honor."

"That's good, kid," Mercer gave me a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "No one is more deserving then you. Now, go and celebrate. Send in Vex and Tonilia when you see them. I need to appoint them as trainers."

"A-Aye, Mercer." I turned to leave, trying not to rush out eagerly. However, before I touched the handle of the door, I paused and turned back. " said Karliah fled after Gallus' death. Where did she go?"

"Who cares?" he said with shocking vehemence. "The Dunmer was as cowardly as she was untrustworthy. And because of her, Gallus is dead."

I felt the blood and excitement drain from my very face. "Mercer, are you saying that...Karliah killed Gallus?" 

"I'm saying, Brynjolf," he explained slowly, eyes now dangerous. I felt my spine go rigid. "To drop this whole thing. Now. Do you get me, boy?" 

I stared at him, not moving and scarcely daring to breathe. But I nodded and left without another word, my soul sinking. I joined Fang in the Ragged Flaggon and had a giant pint of Maven's Black-Briar mead. I chugged it and asked for another, aware of Fang staring at me curiously. 

"Everything alright, master?" she asked in a soft tone. "You seem out of sorts."

"I'll be fine, lass." I smirked at her, aware it didn't relay any happiness. "You're getting promoted. Congratulations."

"A-Are you serious?" she cried, smiling. 

"Aye. Now you're an official thief."

"Oh, Brynjolf!" Fang cried. She hugged me quickly and pecked my cheek affectionately. I chuckled and watched her hurry off to tell the others about her promotion. I took that time to allow my smile to fall and to drown in my drink and thoughts. The ugly realization was slowly dawning on me, but I refused to take it in as truth. 

Karliah had loved Gallus more than she'd loved anything. Mercer hated them both. That Karliah would simply kill Gallus and flee like a didn't make sense. It didn't make sense at all. I gulped down more mead, wanting to get drunk. I slid a hand into my pocket, feeling the silky soothing fabric of that damned black ribbon. I momentarily wondered about Ria. It had been two long years since I'd heard from her. I wondered if she was well; I wondered if she was still alive

No matter now. I had a guild to run. And I had questions that needing answering. 

"Who is ready for a party!?" came Mercer's loud voice. He had burst from his chambers, happy as a clam. The fiddle picked up and everyone shouted in joy and drunkenness. I merely sat at the bar, studying my old mentor over my shoulder. I cast a glance to Fang, who was dancing with a slim Nord boy. I turned back to my drink, allowing my suspicions to die away. 

If there were secrets hidden in the guild, they'd come to light eventually. And if they dug in their heels and absolutely refused to? I'd simply steal them away. 

I was, after all, a Master Thief.


The End.

And so ends my Brynolf fanfics, guys! Please continue to rate, comment, and subscribe!!!

-Sincerely, J_Elusive!

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