Kyle crane x reader

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Y/n= your name
B/n= brothers name
L/n= lastname
H/c= hair colour
E/c= eye colour
Words: 4617

“So what’s your plan?”, the man by your side asks panting, because he is almost dragging you along the street in the middle of Harran. “My plan was to follow your plan!”, is your sarcastic reply, while you push yourself to limb faster. Your left leg is really bad injured because of the fall from the roof of one of the houses.

To make the situation more difficult a whole herd of Biters are behind you and your cursing companion. “Well, then we are kinda fucked!”, you couldn’t describe your misery better. The chance to find a safe place within the next few seconds decreases rapidly to zero. At least you die with someone you know. Somehow it’s comforting you… for a split of a second.

“There is only one chance to survive this. I’m sorry”, your head needs a moment to understand the man’s words. He lets go of your arm so you grab his sleeve for support. “Don’t you dare!”, you feel how your heart skips a beat out of anger … and fear. You know your leg slows you two incredibly down, but that’s no good reason to leave you behind.

His face is painted with guilt, especially his eyes. Nevertheless, he gives you a slight push. With flying arms, you try to steady yourself, but your injured leg gives in under your weight. The fall doesn’t hurt like the betrayal you experience right now.

“I’m sorry”, the man whispers once more before he runs away to save his pitiful life. Like a child you crawl forward to follow him and of course you have no chance. “Are you kidding me?! I’m your twin, B/N! You sacrifice your own sister! Rot in hell, you bastard!”, you let go of your anger and scream as loud as possible. A tear escapes your eye. It makes its way down your cheek.

The sound of sluggish steps snaps you back into reality. Right, the Biters are still making their way towards you to rip you into thousand pieces. “Alright, alright. That’s the game you want to play”, surprised about your own coolness you search in your bag for your last grenade. No, you wouldn’t die with that bitter taste of betrayal on your tongue.

Ready to fight for your life you push yourself into a sitting form. Now you realize your chance to survive this hell is lower than zero. It’s already a negative number. One of the Biters grabs the boot of your right leg. The creature tries to bite through the think leather, but fails miserably.

“That’s totally not my day”, you curse under your breath and reward the Crawler with a kick against his head. At least there are equal opportunities. The Biter has no legs and you just have one you can use.

Suddenly out of nowhere your knight in shining armor appears! … That’s what you have thought, but it’s just another Biter, you couldn’t see clearly because of the setting see. Within one second you grab the machete from your belt.

Your first victim is the Crawler, who is nibbling on your boot again. The blade makes the work for you so you just have to deal with the Biter right next to you. With all your power you make a swing with the machete. Again equal opportunities. Nevertheless, the Biter is almost as stubborn as you. It still makes its way towards you.

To your surprise another machete ends the “life” of the creature. “Come on. Let’s get out of here”, the setting sun impairs your sight once again, but you know it’s not your brother’s voice. A hand grabs your arm to drag you onto your feet. “Sh….”, the curse word gets stuck in your throat. Between almost dying and killing Biters you forgot how much your injured leg hurts.

“Don’t worry, I got you”, the unknown man carries you bridal style. Unfortunately, with a tight grip on your injury. For a brief moment you want to reply something sarcastic like “I wish you wouldn’t, because it hurts like hell”, but the pain sets in again. Black dots are dancing in your view, while you feel like your limbs are made out of concrete. This doesn’t mean something good, right? No, you wouldn’t faint right now. Especially not in the arms of a man you don’t know and the Biter herd behind you two.

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