Brecken x reader

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Words : 7629
Y/n =your name
H/c =hair colour

You took post at the bottom of the staircase, clenching your metal baseball bat high and watching Brecken cautiously inspect the room. There could have been biters hidden anywhere, and it was simply too small a room for the both of you to safely swing weapons at one, so Brecken had volunteered to go first. You watched tensely as he pushed open a door, only to sigh with relief as he turned to you and nodded the all clear. You relaxed, sliding your bat back into its makeshift holster and approaching Brecken.

"Alright, shouldn't be too hard to find, just a pair of glasses and a book." he stated, casually sweeping his gaze across the room you stood in.

You nodded and moved to a nearby locker while Brecken began inspecting a wardrobe. It didn't appear to be locked, but nonetheless the door refused to budge as you tugged on it. The entire container rattled as you fervently shook the handle, and in spite of some hopeful creaking, the door itself hardly seemed to shift at all.

"Jeez, y/n, you try'na bring every zombie in the city here?" Brecken asked from behind, leaving you to turn your head and watch him walk over with a curious expression.

"N- it's just this-" you began, giving the door another heave with a grunt of effort.

"Stupid locker is stuck."

"Here, let me." he ordered, taking a step toward you. You were about to allow him when he continued.

"Can't expect someone of your size to handle this kinda thing."

You stopped, narrowing your eyes and looking to Brecken. Though he clearly tried to maintain a serious expression, a cocky smirk still broke out as he looked at you with an eyebrow slightly perked.

"Excuse me?" you asked, grasping the handle again and positioning yourself so that your back was facing Brecken when he gave no response.

It had been a while since you met each other, but the moment you had become friends Brecken had never held back on tormenting you about your smaller stature. You weren't even that much shorter than him, coming to a stop just higher than his shoulders, though he seemed to care little.

"Aw, come on y/n, no need to be embarrassed, we all have our flaws." Brecken declared in a faux sympathetic voice.

"I'm not em- Shut up, I don't need your help." you growled, summoning all of your strength for another go at the door.

As if influenced by your indignation, the door unexpectedly snapped open, leaving you to stumble back and narrowly avoid falling into Brecken. Doing your best to refuse any embarrassment showing on your face, you neared the locker again, picking up an expensive looking pair of spectacles and turning to Brecken with a triumphant smile.

"Alright, I'll give ya credit for that one. Nice job." he praised.

You opened your mouth to make a witty response but before your chance to do so Brecken turned and headed toward the next room while speaking.

"It's always a challenge taking on things twice your size."

Once again you were cut off from a snappy remark when Brecken entered the next room.

"Ah, Jeez."

You sighed in defeat, moving to the doorway where Brecken stood and looking around him to see a plethora of books strewn about the room.

"Which book are we looking for again?" you asked, already trying to make out some of the titles from where you stood.

"Uh, something about gardening." Brecken recalled, finally stepping into the room and moving to the left side while you took the right.

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