The Dark Lords end

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Sensing his end is coming the cyborg sith lord Darth Vader then gets on his personal Imperial shuttle and leaves his flag ship and set's course to a planet composed entirely of water. Before reaching his destination Vader notices he's being followed by Imperial spies Vader then thinks to himself "I need to get them off my trail before I begin my project" but before he can act a massive ship appeared out of hyperspace and opened fire on the Imperial spies allowing Vader to resume his present course. Only moments after getting away from the Imperial spies Vader reached his destination and after he had landed he was greeted by the Prime Minister of the planet "Lord Vader welcome to Kamino what do we owe this unexpected visit my lord?" asked the Prime Minister of Kamino to Darth Vader.

The sith lord turned to him and said "I'm here to conduct my own project that the Emperor does not need to know about and I will pay you three times the amount that was paid for the clone army to keep this information from reaching the Emperor's ear" replied Vader to the Prime Minister. "Very well my lord this facility is at your disposal what source of DNA will we be using my lord?" asked the Prime Minister to Darth Vader. Vader then handed him the DNA sample and said "this is a sample of my DNA, Prime Minister and I only want one perfect clone is that understood" replied Vader to the Prime Minister. "Perfectly my lord it will be done is there anything else you want for the clone my lord?" asked the Prime Minister to Vader. "No accelerated growth and i want him to have my memories" replied Darth Vader.

"Very well my lord it will be Done" said the Prime Minister who then turned to a cloning scientist handing them the DNA sample for the clone. Vader then left Kamino and went to his palace on Mustafar to wait to hear from the cloner's and during his wait an Imperial officer on Coruscant entered the Imperial throne room to report to the Emperor on Vader's movements. "your Majesty I am here to make my report on lord Vader" said the Imperial officer bowing before the Emperor. "You may proceed" said Palpatine to the officer. "Lord Vader was being followed until this ship came out of hyperspace and opened fire on us" as the officer gave his report to the Emperor, he showed a hollogram projection of the ship that attacked the Imperial spies and as the Emperor saw the image of the enemy ship he then got up from his throne and walked up to the officer to get a better look at the ship and when Palpatine could see the ship closely his face then turned pale white as if he saw a ghost.

Palpatine then looked at the Imperial officer and said in an angry voice "you are dismissed commander." "Your Majesty please allow me to rectify this error I will not fail you again." requested the officer to the Emperor. "Very well commander now go." After Palpatine said that the officer began to walk away until Palpatine unleashed his force lightning on the officer, killing him. "I do not tolerate failure" said Palpatine and then Palpatine called for a crew to take the dead officer out of his throne room and before the crew left Palpatine gave another order. "Tell Captain Kargi to prepare my shuttle for immediate take off" ordered Palpatine to the clean up crew. "Yes your Majesty it will be done" replied the cleaner to Palpatine. Hours later Palpatine boarded his shuttle and ordered the pilot to take him to Mustafar, hours after their take off they had arrive on Mustafar and upon his arrival Vader greeted his master at the landing platform.

As the ramp to the Shuttle opened Vader bowed to his master as he exited the shuttle and as Palpatine approached Vader he then said "rise my friend" Vader then began walking beside his master and as they walked into Vader's palace Palpatine then said to Vader "I need you to go to the new Death Star to over see its final stages before i arrive to personally take command." "As you wish my master" replied Vader to his master's command and at that exact moment on Kamino a man in a mask approached the Prime Minister of Kamino. "Lord Revan have you come to check on our progress?" asked the Prime Minister to Revan. " No Prime Minister I wanted to see if you where creating Vader's clone" replied Revan. "Yes of course my lord" after the Prime Minister said that Revan then put a case full of credits on the table "this is your's Prime Minister now continue on the clone and when the clone is ready contact me." "As you wish my lord."

Days later Vader prepared to arrive at the second Death Star, upon his arrival he was greeted by a commander who was in charge of the Death Star's construction. "Lord Vader this is an unexpected pleasure." "You can dispense with the pleasantries commander I am here to put you back on schedule you are dismissed commander." Weeks later the battle of Endor had begun while the rebels attempted to take out the shield generator Luke was brought before the Emperor where he confronts his father for the last time as Vader and Luke fought, Luke jumped to an upper platform above them and said "father I sense the good in you the conflict" "there is no conflict" replied Vader to Luke. " I have the high ground father" "I will not fall for that again" after Vader said that he then threw his lightsaber making Luke fall.

As Luke and Vader's fight was reaching its conclusion Luke cut off Vader's hand that held his lightsaber and when Palpatine told Luke to kill Vader and take his place Luke refused and Palpatine then begins shocking Luke with his force lightning when Luke refused to turn to the Dark side and as Luke was being shocked he was pleading with his father to help him. Vader looked at Luke and then Palpatine going back and forth Vader looked at Luke and quietly saying "no" and then Vader yelled out "NO" Vader then grabbed Palpatine and threw him down the reactor killing the Emperor and Vader and now the newly redeemed Anakin is being pulled to an Imperial Shuttle but before they leave Vader says "Luke help me take this mask off let me look at you with my own eyes." Luke replies "but you will die" "nothing can stop that now" said Anakin. Luke removes his fathers mask revealing a pale white face. "Now go my son leave me" said the newly redeemed Anakin Skywalker to Luke. "I cant leave you I have come to save you" replied Luke "you already have Luke and tell your sister you where right about me" after Anakin said that he died in Luke's arm's, Luke pulled his fathers body into the shuttle and left the Death Star before it exploded.

Moments later when Luke landed on Endor he then began burning his father's body just as the Jedi would do to one of their own, Luke then joined up with his sister Leia and the rest of the rebels to celebrate the defeat of the Galactic Empire, Luke then saw the force ghosts of Obi-Wan, Yoda and his father Anakin Skywalker. While the rebel alliance celebrated on Endor other events where taking place on the planet Kamino.

"Lord Revan I would like to introduce to you, Anakin Skywalker" said the Prime Minister to Revan. The Dark Lord then watched a young boy exit out of a dark room, Revan walked up to the boy and kneeled down to the boys height and said "Anakin, my name is Revan and you are coming with me so I can teach you the ways of the force." Revan got up and began walking away with Anakin and when they approached the landing platform a man approached Revan. "My lord the Ebon Hawk is ready for take off" "Very Good Canderous, we will return to the Revanger" "very well my lord and your wife, Bastilla would like to speak with you." After the conversation between Revan and Canderous ended they then left Kamino with the clone of Anakin Skywalker.

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