A New Sith Empire

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After the bombardment on Coruscant the Jedi council on Yavin 4 had met to discuss what had happened. "My fellow Jedi master's, from recent events on Naboo and Coruscant, I have sent Jedi knights and their padawans to help on Coruscant but the most disturbing is the events that had occurred on Naboo, the attempted assassination attempt on the royal family of Naboo " Luke said "Did they catch the assassin?" Leia asked Luke. "No but we had been given information on the assassin from the royal family" Luke replied. After Luke said that he then played a holo video of the assassination attempt and during the video the council hears the name Anakin Skywalker, while the holo video was paused Jacen and Anakin Solo walked in the council chamber. Upon entering the room Jacen and Anakin saw the paused holo video "What are you doing here boy's?" Leia asked "We are here to tell you what we have been trying to tell Uncle Luke since Naboo" Jacen replied to his mother, Leia then looked at Luke and said "What have you been trying to tell him, Jacen?" Leia asked her two son's. "Well me and Jaina saw him at the temple on Coruscant" Jacen said and then Anakin said "I had a vision of a cyborg and when I saw that man on Naboo I felt the same presence as I did in my vision" Anakin said. After Anakin and Jacen said that their mother had dismissed them but before they left the room Anakin turned back to the council and said "forgive me master's but there is more I saw his face on Naboo" "You did, did you stay a while longer" Luke said to Anakin. After Luke said that Jacen left the room and Luke showed young Anakin Solo a holo video of Anakin Skywalker during the clone wars. "Is this the man you saw on Naboo?" Luke asked "Yes Master that is him the man I saw on Naboo" Anakin Solo replied "You can go now Anakin" Luke said to the young Solo boy.After Anakin left the room the council began to discuss what they are to do about these unforseen events.

At that moment Darth Revan was planing his next move against the Jedi and the Republic and as Revan was making his plans a holo call came in for him from Canderous who is on Mandalor. "Canderous my old friend what do you have to report?" Revan asked Canderous "My lord I have brought the Mandolorian clans together and now we have an army of Mandolorians to use against the weak Republic and the weak Jedi order" Canderous replied. "Very good have your troops ready for the next phase of my plan" after Revan said that the holo call ended and Revan then called for Vader and as Vader entered the room. "My master what is thy bidding?" Vader asked "I have a mission for you my apprentice, I need you to go to Ossus to guard Bastilla while she constructs the new Sith and Imperial Academy's and the Citadel so Ossus can become the new home world of the sith" Revan replied "As you wish my master it will be done." After Vader said that he then boarded his flag ship and once he entered the bridge he saw Bastilla starring out the window, Vader then approached Bastilla "I am ready to depart when you are" Vader said to Bastilla "Very well lord Vader set course to Ossus" Bastilla commanded "Yes my lady as you wish."

After Vader received his orders he ordered the Admiral to set course to Ossus, during the trip to the outer rim planet the young sith was meditating and began speaking to Anakin and Jacen Solo in a vision. "If you wish to know the truth come to Ossus alone and face me, I will tell you the truth of your heritage that the Jedi will not." After meditating for hours Vader and Bastilla then arrived at Ossus, Bastilla and a group of troops went down to the planets surface before Vader entered his shuttle with the 501st legion Vader looked at the Admiral and said "Admiral there will be two Jedi coming here allow them to land on the planet I will deal with them myself" "Yes my lord as you wish" the Admiral replied.

Moments later Jacen and Anakin Solo boarded a ship to head to Ossus but after the took off Jaina Solo and Ben Skywalker followed behind them. Upon reaching Ossus the two ships are allowed to pass the super dreadnought and land on the planet. After Jacen and Anakin Solo landed their ship, Jaina Solo and her cousin Ben Skywalker landed their shuttle out of sight and then Jaina and Ben followed Jacen and Anakin. As the young Jedi where approaching their meeting place, Vader walked up to Bastilla and said "My lady, I have some business to deal with I'll be leaving the 501st here with you, Commander Rex is good at what he does and he will protect you" Vader said to Bastilla "Very well lord Vader, you may go." After Bastilla said that Vader then got on a speeder and began to head to the meeting place.

After arriving at the ruin's of what looks like a shrine, Vader got off his speeder and began to walk towards the young Solo brother's. "I see the two of you actually came I'm surprised" Vader said to the young Jedi "Who are you, remove your mask" Jacen said in a demanding tone. After making his demand Vader removed his hood and mask and showed them his face. "It is you, Anakin Skywalker, our Grandfather but how is this possible?" Anakin Solo said "First thing's first, tell the other two Jedi to come out" Vader said in a calm but demanding voice. After Vader said that Anakin and Jacen looked at each other with confusion and then Vader pointed to a near by wall where Jaina and Ben where hiding and then Jaina and Ben walked out from behind the wall they then walked towards Vader with their lightsaber's in their hand's ready for a fight. "I mean you no harm I only want to tell you of your family heritage and birthright" Vader said in a reassuring voice "alright talk whoever you are" Jaina said in a calm voice "you may call me, Grandfather if you wish, but now I must tell you of the Skywalker's family history" after Vader told the four young Jedi of their family history, Jacen and Anakin then said to Jaina "Uncle Luke and our Mother has been lying to us" after the boys said that Vader then said "join me and together we will break the lies of the Jedi" after Vader said that Anakin and Jacen where about to walk over to Vader's side when Jaina and Ben activated their lightsaber's.

After activating their Lightsaber's Jaina used the force to push Vader away and then Ben grabbed Jacen and Anakin and began to make their way back to the ship, after taking off Vader ordered for the fleet to let them go. Shortly after his encounter with his grandchildren, Vader returned to Bastilla's side. As Vader returned to the construction site Commander Rex walked up to Vader "My lord the construction of the academies is complete and we have received order's from lord Revan that we are to remain here and await for his arrival" "Very well Commander, you may go" after Vader dismissed Commander Rex, Vader walked up beside Bastilla and crossed his arm's as the two await for Darth Revan the new Sith Emperor to arrive and claim his throne.

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