Chapter 9: Fleeing Captivity

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"Silver," Ellie scoffed, clearly offended. "Do you even hear yourself? You expect me to just follow you, and leave everything I have behind? Leave my family and friends? And for what? So you can join some silly little Rebellion that would get us all killed? Forget it."

"Well, when you put it that way..."

"When I put it that way it doesn't sound so good, does it?"

"C'mon Elle," Silver sighed, kicking a stray pebble with his foot. "I really want to do this, for Glimmer. And not just for her. For anyone who's ever had family been killed in the Games, and for the young kids who might be next unless we stop this. It could be me, or you, or even both of us, who are Reaped or forced to volunteer next year. Do you really want to waste the rest of your life training for your death match?"

"It's only two more years. Then we'll be safe."

"No, it's not two more years. It's the rest of our lives!" Silver yelled, his anger consuming him. "Imagine our kids, Elle. When we are done fearing for ourselves, they'll be next. I refuse to live this way."

"Sil," Ellie patted his shoulder reassuringly. "Calm down. Just think rationally for a second. If we leave now, we aren't coming back. As soon as our family realizes we are missing, the Capitol will be looking for us. Even when we get to District 12, we'll have to hide. The Peacekeepers won't let us get away."

"We can do it. I know we can. We can make a difference in people's lives, forever."

Ellie sighed for a long moment. "Okay. Just wait here for a minute."

"Wait," Silver reached out to her as she opened up the door to her home, "where are you going?"

"I'm going to pack my things. I'll be right out."


"You're the best, Elle. You know that, right?"

Ellie didn't reply, she simply smiled before looking away.

They were approaching the District's limits, almost at the forest that would lead them into District 2. People rarely travelled between Districts, and neither one of them had any idea how long it would be until they returned to civilization.

With one last glance behind them to ensure they weren't under a Peacekeeper's watchful glare, Silver and Ellie plunged into the forest, moving as quickly as possible. Within minutes they were absorbed by the luscious leaves on the trees, and hidden from the sight of anyone in their home District.

"Ow," Ellie groaned when her long brown hair was snagged by a branch.

"You okay?" Silver asked as he took the lead, struggling to clear a path for his girlfriend.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." she insisted, swatting away a mosquito. "Are we going to have to sleep out here?"

"We'll walk as far as we can tonight, but I doubt we can stay in District 2 without creating suspicion."

"So, we're sleeping in a forest."

"Basically, yeah."

Ellie groaned again, surely regretting her decision to tag along.

"We'll get as close as we can to the District limits, Elle. I'm sure there won't be as many bugs or branches there." Silver doubted that would be the case, but he wasn't about to tell her that.

"It's okay," she smiled, grabbing his hand. "We're together, right? And that's all that matters."

The tall trees surrounding them on all sides blocked the sun from reaching them, creating a chilly temperature that made Silver wish he had grabbed a thicker sweater. His feet were tired from all the walking he had done over the past few hours, and he was sure Ellie's felt the same. Gradually, the sun began to set, casting pinky-orange light streams through the branches reaching toward the sky. Silver was reluctant to settle down for the night, however, without seeing a sign that District 2 was nearby.


"We'll rest soon, Elle. I just want to-"

And then, what they had been waiting for arrived. Barely visible through the thick trunks of the ancient trees, houses and stone paths appeared up ahead. District 2: Masonry.

"There it is," Ellie smiled faintly. "District 2."

"Wow. It's finally starting to clue in. What we're doing, I mean."

"I've never been so far from home before, Silver."

"Me neither. It's kind of cool, isn't it? Makes me feel more adventurous, I guess."

"I guess," Ellie began to lay out the extra sweater she brought as a blanket. "Did you pack any food?"

Silver rolled his eyes. "Elle, what do you take me for? Of course I brought food." He opened up his pack to reveal dozens of granola bars, apples and ham sandwiches. His stomach grumbled just looking at the food.

"We should ration this," she said, her voice empty. Silver knew she was just as hungry as he was.

"You're right. A granola bar each?"

She nodded in agreement, and Silver eagerly peeled the foil off of a bar for himself while passing one over to Ellie. Even though he ate slowly, the bar still went much too fast, and Silver's stomach was far from satisfied by the time there was nothing left.

"Put the wrapper back in my bag," he instructed. "We don't want to leave any clues that we've been here."

Again, Ellie nodded, and did as he asked.

"Do you think they've noticed that we're missing?" she asked as she lay down, pulling her sweater more tightly around her.

"I don't know. My parents might think I'm at Cush's house, or yours for that matter."

"Mine are probably worried. I don't normally go anywhere without asking them first," Ellie's eyes filled with homesick tears.

"Aw, Elle," Silver placed his arm around her and pulled her close as he laid down beside her. "We have each other, remember?"

"I know, Silver. And I'm grateful for that."

She waited until Silver had drifted to sleep to shed her tears.


So... thoughts?

Ellie literally is the best girlfriend ever though. I would never give up all that. For any guy!

My big question is how do you think that they are going to get through District 2 unnoticed? :O

Thanks for reading, and I hope you are enjoying this story!

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