They'll never know!

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I woke up and sat up in my bed. Yawn.
I really needed a pee so I rushed to the bathroom.(same girl)
I brushed my teeth while I was in the bathroom, brushed my hair a little and loaded makeup on my face.
Damn, school clothes, can't go like this!
I sprinted across my house to my closet, shoved my clothes on in a rush and ran downstairs for breakfast.
"You're going to be late" My Mum muttered.
"I know" I said rushing out the door to get on the school bus.
It came bumping down the road towards me and when it stopped, I hopped on and ran to the back.
"I MADE IT" I shouted to everyone on the bus. Since this was quite the achievement for me, everyone cheered.
I closed my eyes, tired af, but when I opened them, I was in shock.
I looked around, only to see myself sitting in a train, in a carriage next to Hermione, who was opposite Ron and Harry. What.Was.Going.On.
"You okay?" Harry asked looking right at me.
"Uhhh...yeah. Wait me right?" I said, stammering.
"Yes you!" He said laughing. Hermione and Ron laughed with him.
I couldn't believe what was happening, I was actually sitting on the Hogwarts Express with the golden trio!
I got up, telling the others i was going to walk around and look at the train.
I stopped at Draco's carriage.
"Oh my God! I need your signature!" I shouted at Draco's face, confusing him completely.
"Looks like I already have fans." He said smirking.
"Ok look, you need to marry Harry Potter. I mean, you are gay right?" I blabbed.
"What? Where did you get that from!" He said offended.
Crabbe and Goyle just laughed.
"Look Draco, we all know it, I mean you look at him ALL the time and try to get his attention. ITS OBVIOUS." I exclaimed.
Draco went bright red in the face and said "Me l-like th-that Potter? N-no way!" He hid his face from his friends.
I walked back to my carriage, leaving Draco super embarrassed.
"Hey." Harry said looking up at me.
"Hi" I said seating myself. "Harry, we all know that you're gay for Draco. Ask him out already!" I said, staring at him with eager eyes.
"B-but what I-if he says n-no?" He says blushing.
"Are you FRIKKIN SERIOUS!? He likes you too!" I said standing up, shouting.
"Harry! You like Malfoy?" Hermione huffs.
"Yeah, bloody hell mate, what's your problem?" Ron said.
"I think it's about time you guy knew that I'm gay anyway..." Harry said, avoiding all eye contact.
"YAY I HAVE A GBF!!" I screamed.
"What's that?" Ron asked.
"Even I know what a GBF is Ronald!" Hermione said.
"Course you do..."
"It's a Gay Best Friend!" She said happily.
Hermione and Ron started chanting 'GBF *clap clap* GBF *clap clap'
I laughed so much, I swear I could've thrown up.

Once we got to Hogwarts, everyone crowded into the main hall. The sorting hat ceremony happened with the first years.
When I was at home, I did a Pottermore house sorting test, and I got Gryffindor, which was kinda sad since I also LOVE Slytherin!
I sat at the Gryffindor table with the golden trio, and looked over at Draco.
I mouthed "ask him out!' and he started blushing again.
"Harry, do it today, it's now or never, trust me when I say that." I looked at him. He looked back thoughtfully.
After the great hall feast, everyone went up to their dorms.
I grabbed Harry by the arm and dragged him over to Draco.
"Admit it Blondie, you like him, and Scarhead, same with you" I said looking at both of them, tightening my grip on their arms.
"Okay fine. I do like him. What difference will it make, my Father will disown me, my friends will hate me? MY REPUTATION WILL DIE!" Draco said rather loudly.
"And that's more important than your love for Potter?" I said, smirking.
"I like you too" Harry said, trying to run away and squirming around.
" you want to..?" He hesitated.
"JUST SAY IT!" I shouted, breaking both their eardrums.
"FINE POTTER WILL YOU BE MY BOYFRIEND!" Draco shouted, so everyone that was still around, heard it.
"YES!" He shouted back.
"YAY!" I also shouted.
"Okay we can stop the shouting thing I think now.." Harry said, embarrassed.
"Yeah" Draco and I agreed.
Harry and Draco walked off together, talking while I stood in the middle of the great hall, squeaking and fan girling! BEST DAY EVER.
As I blinked , I opened them and I was back on my school bus. Was that all just a dream.
"Gawd you sleep too much." One of my friends said.
But just as she said that, I saw a couple walk past the bus, and the guy with the platinum blonde hair winked, kissing the other straight afterwards. THEY LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE DRACO AND HARRY!
"Omg who are they?!" I said so my friend.
"I don't know what you mean, who is who? Where?" They said.
Hahahah...she'll never know what an adventure I had. No one will.

(Hehehehe me all the time//I'm on the bloody motorway and SO BORED. Gawd. Idk what happened to me but I'm being like really silly and messy lately like WTFKSSKDKK)

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