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Hey, I'm Elena Brooks. I'm 17 years old, I'm short for my height but I'm getting there. I'm currently a senior in high school and etc etc, I don't really have much to tell about myself except the fact that, I'm well Elena. You'll learn more about me as the story goes on so why spoil the surprise?

Laying in my bed watching Netflix is how I planned to spend my spring break but no, my best friend Sierra, who is 18, has light brown hair with hazel eyes with hint of green in the middle, she's taller than me but hey, every short girl needs a tall best friend and every tall girl needs a short best friend. As I was saying she decided to book us a flight to San Francisco because why not. Me being me I refused at first because well one, she didn't even ask me if I was busy or not and second San Francisco is really far away and third I really didn't wanted to do anything for the spring break. Yeah, refused AT FIRST then she somehow manage to get me to say yes, I really don't know how she does it but I always end up falling in her traps.

Later that evening she told me we were going to the airport at 5 in the morning cause our flight leaves at 8 and needed to be early there. So I had to pack my clothes, and also tell my mom about this and it was really hard trying to convince her to say yes. She did say yes and I kept telling her I loved her very much and tons and tons of thank yous.

I only live with my mom and my 5 year old little sister Ally. I have a older sister as well but she's 25, married and currently living on her own with her husband of course. My dad, he works in a different states, he has to drive big trucks and deliver stuff all across America so I never really get to see him.


"Hey since we're going to leaving at 5 in the morning can I just come over?" Sierra asked me over the phone.

"Urm, sure just make sure you have everything ready cause if not we're not going back to your house." I replied.

The line went quite for 2 seconds, till I broke the silence, asking her if she needed a ride.

"YES! I'll be ready in an hour so can you come in like 30 minutes? The other 30 we can spend on you telling me what to bring?"

"Ok see you in a few, bye" I said as I cut the phone.

{ an hour later. }

"Are you sure you got everything?" I asked Sierra as I help her take one of her suitcase to my car. Well my mom's car.

"Yes, El for the 100th time I have everything!"

"Are you positive?"

"Yes I'm positive, you idiot."

"I'm just checking cause we're not gonna come here 5 in the morning just cause you forgot something."


*ring ring* ugh isn't it like 3 in the god damn morning? What the hell.

I took my phone and checked why it was ringing. I put an alarm for 3 AM? What? Oh yes! I put it for 3 AM so we would have enough time to wake up get ready and say bye to my mom before we leave for the flight.

"Sierra." I poked her in the head but she didn't show any sign of movement.

"SIERRA!" I yelled in her ear and she woke up but then faced the other direction sleeping again.

"Whatever." I muttered under my breath getting up from my bed to go get water.

Then I came back again with cup in my hand filled with ice water. I figured that if Sierra didn't wanted to wake up the easy way, we can take it the hard way.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Sierra yelled waking up with her hair all wet, as I finished dumping rest of the cold water on her head and I was just there laughing because her reaction was just too funny.

"Shh, quite down big mouth. It's 3 in my morning my mom is still sleeping. Well I'm gonna go take a shower I'll be back, and while I'm doing that you wake up and get everything you need."

"Don't you have two baths? Why can't I use the other one? Save us some time." She asked getting up from the bed.

"Cause the other one's in my mom's room, ugh fine whatever. You take the one in the hall way I'll go to my mom's."

"Mhm k." she said as she grabbed her stuff and left the room.

{ an hour later. }

I got out the bathroom, being all done with everything. I wore a plain white shirt with light high wasted jeans and my hair was straighten and I did my make up.

When I got out I couldn't find my mom in her bed, the lights were turned on which I don't remember doing. I walking into the kitchen and saw Sierra was eating some pancakes and my mom was standing near the stove making some.

"Mom why are you up? It's like 4:10 AM in the morning."

"Well do you really think I'll let you leave me for 2 weeks and not say goodbye?" She said while give me a plate to put my pancakes in.

{ 30 minutes later }

It was now 4:40 and we had to get going.

I walked into Ally's room, telling her goodbye even though she was sleeping. I bend down right next to her bed and kissed her forehead before whispering goodbye.

I walked back to the living room and helped Sierra put our suitcases in the taxi. I went back to my house and hugged my mom saying goodbye and Sierra did the same.

"Call me as soon as you land!" My mom yelled from the window.

"Will do, I love you mom bye." I said as I got in the taxi.

"Love you too, stay safe."


And off we were, going to San Francisco. Even though I was really really happy and excited about this I knew something bad was going to happen. I just had the feeling that it would. Whatever I shook the feeling off, telling myself that I was gonna have so much fun in this trip.

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