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"And who might you be, babe?" I heard a deep voice come from the door and I quickly turned around only to be standing in front of an unknown man.

When I first heard him he sounded so far away but now he was standing in front of me, close. Very close. He must be the roommate that Sierra told me that Emilio had. Well except it's not literally "roommates" they share the whole house to themselves at least that's what I heard about so far. He had light brown hair, and green eyes he was way taller than me, I only reached up to his neck. I'm not going to lie he was very handsome like Sierra said well she said hot but yeah.

"I'm Luke." He said in a bitter tone making me forget my train of thoughts. "And you're in my room do you need some help finding your way somewhere?"

"I was just looking around the house to see - "

"Whatever I don't care. Get out of my room." He cut me off shoving me toward the door.

What the hell. Rude much?

"I'm really sorry I didn't mean to just barge into your room. This was the first room I saw and walked into it and I'm sorry again I didn't know what I was thinking, I didn't know it was your room."

"Well now you know. Remember that for next time that this is my room so it's off limits and that means you do not ever come in here." With that he slammed the door in my face.

Rude. First he was wanting to know who I was but then gets all moody cause I was in his room. Well I guess I could see his point. I mean I wouldn't want no stranger just coming into my room like that either but he didn't have to slam the door in my face.


"Can you help a little?" Sierra asked getting the suitcase out of the taxi.

"Yeah, sorry I just went to go get a drink of water. I lost my way over to the kitchen." I lied walking over to the taxi.


"Where's Emilio?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Oh he just went to go take the dog for a walk?"

A dog? I don't remember seeing any dog.

{ 2 hours later. }

We were finally done with unpacking all of our clothes. I'm so hungry and tired right now, this was exhausting. And it was only 1:30 PM here in San Francisco.

"We're gonna go for a lunch. Get ready we leave in 15." I heard Emilio call out the other side of the door.

15 minutes? Why can't we just go now like I'm not changing my outfit. I'm fine with what I'm wearing. I just grab some socks and white converse putting them on and went downstairs.


"Did you and Luke meet already? He's so sweet, El. You guys should talk." Sierra said turning toward me.

We were in one of those fast food restaurant and the boys went up to go order our food.

"Um no, I haven't met him yet." I said looking out to the window trying to avoid looking at Sierra cause if I don't, she'll know if I'm lying or not.

"Well you should, here they come. Try to make a conversation with him ok?"


"Do it."


"Come on, El. Just please do it? For me."


"I'll buy you pizza before we leave for the house and we can watch Netflix all night long, yeah?"



"Hey I'm Elena." I said to Luke as he sat down next to me.

"Hello, I'm sorry I didn't get to say hi to you before, I'm Luke." He said with a fake smile.

Why is he playing along with this? Why didn't he just tell Sierra and Emilio about how we met before when I barged into his room.

"Hello?" Luke asked shaking his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, must've zoned out. I do that a lot."


I started eating my food cause one I was really hungry and I rather eat than have a conservation with this - this ugh.

{ 4 hours later. }

We finally arrived back to Emilio's house. Well it was Luke's but Emilio lived here now as well so it was technically his house as well. We've been roaming around San Francisco for 4 hours. And by roaming I mean just sitting at the ocean. I actually talked to Luke for an hour. We could've been talking for the rest of the time but he got a phone call, getting all moody again like he was in the room when we first met. So that's when I decided to just go sit alone by myself for 2 hours just reading.


You know what's weird? Sierra told me that Emilio went to go walk the dog when we were getting the suitcases, but when he came back, he didn't have no dog with him. I've been wanting to ask him about that ever since I noticed that but I didn't want to be blunt so I just kept it to myself.

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