San Francisco

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We've been stuck in this airport forever, well not really forever but for at least 2 hours, the other 1 hour we spent it going to go print our boarding pass, check our luggage. Then we headed toward the security check, and after that we went to our gate and spent an hour doing whatever. Which felt like 200 hours. We got here at 5 and now it read 7: 20 AM and our flight only starts boarding at 8. Well it's better early than late I kept thinking to myself.

"Hey I'm hungry do you want to go grab something to eat? We could go get donuts." Sierra said turning toward me.

I wasn't that hungry but I do want some donuts right now.

"Sure, but we should come back in 10 minutes cause our plane starts boarding at 8 and it's 7: 25." I said as I started getting up.

{ 35 minutes later. }

The flight attendant came telling us that she would be calling us by rows, and if we were in that row we should be boarding the plane.

The first class people went first, followed by business class and etc.

Finally they called our row, and we went and got our boarding pass checked. We went inside the aircraft and Sierra helped me put mine and her's large carry-on items on the overheard bins then we settled in our seat.

{ 2 hours later. }

"Welcome to the beautiful San Francisco, California. If you look outside you can see the famous Golden Gate Bridge from your window." The flight attended said over the speaker.

Woah, it's been 2 hours already!? Can't believe I slept through the whole plane ride.

{ 10 minutes later. }

"Thank you for traveling with us today. Hope you enjoyed your flight, welcome to San Francisco." The lady at the door by the gate said as Sierra and I walked outside of the plane. I smiled at the lady and Sierra and I started walking toward the baggage claim to get our suitcase.

"Where are we going to be staying? Do you have a hotel booked?" I asked Sierra helping her get her suitcase out.

"Um actually we're going to be staying at Emilio's." She said looking at me with that face that read 'surprise.'

Emilio, was literally like my big brother and also was Sierra boyfriend who I - forgot that lived here! They were honestly the cutest couple ever, but I honestly don't like hanging out with them cause I always feel like the 3rd wheel and I feel like I'm in their way or something. Sierra would tell me to find a guy, so we can do double dates and stuff but I'm honestly not into a relationship at the moment. I have pizza and Netflix what more do I need.

"WHAT!?" I yelled.

"Okay I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I knew that if I were to tell you that, you wouldn't have come in the first place."

Damn right I wouldn't.

"Ugh, you should've just told me, I would still come." I lied.

"Mhm." She said clearly knowing I was lying.

"Okay maybe I wouldn't, but still you should've told me."

"I'm sorry but I really wanted you to come, didn't want you to be all home alone being bored. Please just try to enjoy this? Maybe you can even find a guy, Emilio lives with a guy named Luke, from what I've heard he seems hot."

Yeah, spending time with my best friend and her boyfriend and her boyfriend's roommate. What fun.

{ 1 hour later. }

Sierra and I arrived in the address Emilio sent us, it was a pretty nice house I'm not gonna lie. Sierra called Emilio and told him we were here and he looked from the top left window putting up his pointer finger, signaling that he would be down in a second.

And here he was.

"Hey babe! I missed you so much." Emilio said as he started running toward Sierra and they started hugging and making out.

"um!" I said really loud as I cleared my throat, feeling really awkward.

"Oh hey sorry didn't see you there." Emilio joked as he started running towards me giving me a hug. Emilio and I were basically like brother and sister I guess. We've known each other our whole life, that's how Sierra and him met.

"Ugh, why do you keep getting tall!? Every time I see you, you grow twice as big as last time."

"And you keeping shrinking twice as small as last time."

"Ugh." I groaned pushing pass him to go to the house. I could still hear him laughing at my shortness.

I walked into the house and went to go check it out a bit. I went to the basement, living room, kitchen, outside pool, back yard, and lastly the bed rooms. I went upstairs and knocked on the master bed room, nobody answered so I turned the knob and walked in. This was like heaven, the room was really big, and it didn't have much, it was simple looking like a hotel but the view was just amazing, you could see the bay, and the Golden Gate with the sun starting to rise.

"And who might you be, babe?" I heard a deep voice come from the door and I quickly turned around only to be standing in front of an unknown man.

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