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"Hey, Sierra told me you went to go walk the dog but then I don't see any dog with you right now?" I asked Emilio as I saw him walk into the kitchen.

"Oh yeah about that, I actually went to my friend's house, Cole. I told him to take care of my dog for a week."


"Because we're going to Los Angeles."

What? Nobody told me about this.

Los Angeles? Woah. I really hope we go on the plane cause if we were to take a road trip to LA, it would be 6 hours drive and I'm not being in a car for 6 hours being stuck with two love birds and jerk face.

"Oh and by the way we're going to be taking the car so pack whatever things you girls need." Emilio said as he started pouring water into the cup.

Well isn't that wonderful. Just wonderful.


"How come you never told me we were gonna go to LA?" I said as I walked into Emilio's and Sierra's room.

"I didn't know it myself either. Emilio just told me about it today." Sierra said folding her clothes into the suitcase. "El, you better go start packing your bag because we'll be leaving in few hours."

"But we just came, and it's starting to get dark."

"Yeah, well be leaving in the night so when we reach LA we can rest for few hours then go have fun."

"Oh, well then I'll go call my mom. I was suppose to call her right when we landed she'll freak out." I said as I started getting my phone out.


"Hey, mom."

"Hey mom? Do you know what time it is? It's been more than 12 hours that you left and you didn't even bother to call me? This is why I didn't wanted you to go, I was worried sick something happened to you, and I tried calling you but it didn't work-"

"I'm sorry, it just I was really tired after the fight even if it was for 2 hours, we woke up early. We also went out to eat and such so I just lost track of time, it won't happen again, I promise."

"And if it does?"

"It won't."

"Okay, well what are you guys doing?"

"Well, mom I wanted to tell you that Sierra and I are safe and we're in this hotel, but we also wanted to go to LA but I didn't know if you were okay with that because LA is a very busy city with a lot going on. I just wanted to get your permission before we go. If you say no, that's fine too."

Why couldn't I tell my mom about where we were actually staying at? Well you see my mom is very strict and coming to San Francisco with just Sierra is enough my mom has already done. I didn't wanted to tell her I was living with 2 guys, I mean we're only 18, well I'm still 17 but my birthday is in few weeks so.

"Oh, well I'm happy that you asked. Yes, I guess you can go, if you call me every hour."

"Every hour? Why not -"

"Every hour no buts or you're coming straight home."

"Okay. Well I gotta go pack things I'll be needing for LA. I'll call you later, bye mom love you."

"Love you too."

I don't really need to pack anything really, I mean we just came and we didn't even go anywhere beside the lunch so I can just put all the clothes back in the suitcase and go. But Sierra it's a whole different story, she has to get that perfect outfit for the lunch so she took all her clothes out, of the closet and made a mess and now she has to put it back in the suitcase neatly taking her time. Ha.

I might as well just waste time sleeping till it's time to go.

{2 hours later.}

I was dreaming about this dream well more of a nightmare where I was being chased into the woods by this person who I couldn't make it out to be till I hear a loud knock on the door. Causing me to wake up from this nightmare.

"Come in."

Speaking of nightmares, here stood the devil himself by my door.

"You have 1 hour left to get everything ready before we leave." Luke reminded me coming into my guest bedroom.

"Oh, thanks." I awkwardly answered.

"Sierra and Emilio will be obviously spending sometime alone, and I was thinking we should do the same since we got off to a bad start and I can't do anything about it but we can at least learn about each other." Luke said smiling sitting down on my bed.

Wow, he is already handsome enough and his smile makes it just wow - what the hell. No. No. No. Luke can be as good looking as he can but he is not good from the inside. I thought to myself, to stop thinking about his perfect smile.

Ugh. Did it again.

"Hello?" He waved his hand in front of my face to get my attention.

"Uh yes, yeah sorry zoned out again." Déjà vu.

"Okay, I'll see you in an hour then bye." He stood up and walked to the door and turned around smiling again then left.

What was that? I don't even know.

{1 hour later.}

I called my mom and told her we were leaving and right now we are currently at the gas station to get some snacks and gas obviously.

"Are you sure you don't want to come inside, babe?" Luke asked again getting out of the car.

Babe, when he says that it just makes me think about the time we first met. Why is he even calling me babe, it's weird. Not that I'm complaining but we just met less than 24 hours ago.

"Yes, I'm fine. You guys can go ahead and just get whatever."

They were going to go the gas station to get little snacks to last probably less than 2 hours. I eat a lot Emilio does too, we both have such big apatite. But at the moment I didn't felt like getting out of the car so I didn't bother.


Maybe this trip wouldn't be so bad after all. Maybe I was wrong about Luke before, I mean I did judge him a little too quickly. Maybe, just maybe this will go better than I planned it out to be. Or so I thought.

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