Sign Language!

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   I wake up and moan a little from the stabbing pain in mt arms and... Muscles... I heard a soft chuckle in the distance and, try to tense up but I instantly relax to make the pain stop. I sigh softly and look over to where he is but since I was in the corner next to the foot of his bed I didn't see anything but metal and under the bed.

I hesitantly sit up and look out the window. I missed the rising sun again. I turn away from the dusty and scratched up window and glance at his direction, he is now not reading his book, he was sorting a med kit. I prepare for the pain to lay down when I realize, he didn't have his mask on.

My mouth drops as I stare at him, eyes widened and my mind completely forgets about the pain as I sit still and stare, excitement grew in me as he continues to work, I don't think he realized I was awake at the moment.

I move a little closer and he 'glances' at my direction. I freeze, then move closer to get a better look. Soon he realized I was awake and I gasp a little as he panics a little and throws his mask on... Upside down. I snicker to myself as he grumbles and puts it on correctly.

After a few seconds the pains settles again and I freeze so it didn't hurt that much then reply to seeing his face. "You look hansom..." He 'looks' over to me confused, he seemed confused as I speak for him, "Did you expect me to be scared and call you a monster?" He looks away and mumbles, "Yes..." I tilt my head then say, "Do you even know what I look like?" Jack stays silent for a second then said, "Come here." I blink and inch toward him, trying not to speak of the stabbing pain in my arms and legs. I was in arms length when his large hand landed softly on my face. I gasp and squeeze my eyes shut, I mainly focus on the fact he took off his glove! When his hand leaves my face I shake my head a little as he replies, "Yes, I know what you look like." I stare at him slightly confused as, I am sure, he was smiling proudly under that mask of his.

I laugh awkwardly then turn to a book he has and laugh, a little more comfortable and said, "You have a book, that you can't read, about sign language!" He looks up to where I am and shrugs then slowly organizes his med kit again. I open it and learns some sign language.

After a few minutes and he says, "Are you learning sign language?" I pause for a second then answers, "Yeah, I would show you but you are blind..." I instantly regret saying what I said because I didn't know if he would get offended as he stood, crouched near by me and said, "Do a sign."

I was frozen and slowly bring my hand out and did a sign language A. I was unsure what she was going to do in till he cupped my hand and rubbed it a little to get the idea of what my hand was doing. I feel my face turn red as he says, "What sign is this?" I struggle to answer, "I-It's the l-letter A..." He nods and lets go of my hand and, with his own hand he made the sign.

I was rather impressed then said, "Y-Yep!" We start learning sign language for a bit then I hesitated and said, "The letter J has movement with it..." He lets go of my hand when I had the starting position of J then he bring out his hand and says, "Move my hand with the movement." My mouth dropped slightly then I grabbed his hand and made the movement as he tried to copy on his own. After awhile he got it and I snickered a few times then we continued.

When we finished with a few words and the alphabet in sign language then he says, "See, I can learn sign language." I chuckled and nods a little and replies, "Yeah, you showed me..." I'm sure if he could, he would have rolled his eyes as he sat back on his bed and continued organizing.

I smile proud and think, 'I taught him something!' I wiggle a little, trying not to bring back some of the pain back. "Don't be too proud..." I freeze, he knew I was feeling overly proud! I think, 'Can he read my mind?' He sighs and I freeze and turn red when he says, 'You can stop thinking out loud."

I turn and stay embarrassed and said, "Sorry..." He chuckles and keeps organizing then I say, "Are you guessing where to put things." He pauses for some reason then sits up straight and says, 'No' in sign language. I laugh when I could see the excitement in his movements for remembering a word in sign language. He wiggles a little and looks away from me, embarrassed for acting so excited.

I laughed harder as he got embarrassed. I say sorry and also say good job for remembering he answers with Fuck you... I blink confused and say, "Why?" He blinks and says, "I said thank you..." I cover my mouth and tell him what he actually said, we both laugh as I explain to him what thank you is again.

When I finish telling him what he did wrong and so on I look out side, it was dark! I blink confused, it didn't seem like that long at all! I shake my head and lay down. I was about to doze off when he left, I didn't know why but I fell asleep too quickly to get up and follow or to ask.


Sorry it's so short! Thanks for reading!

Also these are the signs I mentioned in the chapter, I looked up pictures on the internet because it's easier then taking pictures of my book, yes I know sign language:



Thank you:

  Fuck: Couldn't find a picture for it but, it's when you have your hand under your chin, Fingers bent and you palm vertical then a stiff move forward toward the person.  

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