Beautiful Stars...

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 I sigh and strut down the long red halls as I make my way toward to the kitchen. I glance back wards and check behind me. I smile and slide behind a door. Slowly I creak open the door and gasp a little and gently close the door, my eyes wide and my heart pounding.

Calmly I slowly open the door a little again just to jump and fall on my back then start laughing uncontrollably, I was caught. I sit up to see the young spirit in pick standing proudly in front of me.

I sigh and tilt my head as she states, "Found you!" 'How come Laughing Jack is so much harder for her to find?' I thought to myself and slowly stand and chase after her playfully, purposely slowing down so I didn't catch her so quickly.

Soon I started to lose my breath and realized I shouldn't have let her go so far ahead. I gasp for air and huff, "Damn, she's quick!" I heard a soft chuckled and jump and turn to see Jeff reply, "Rookie mistake." I huff at my mistake and watches her disappear behind a corner, her laughing echoing across the halls.

I turn back to Jeff and asks, "Why are you here?" "I live here." "So? You can disappear" I tilt my head and smile as he brings up his knife as my smile disappears as he growls, "I can make you disappear." My eyes widen, Shouldn't have said that...' "I will yell for Eyeless Jack!" I glace at the knife that was a few inches closer to my face as he replies, "He hasn't come back yet."

He smiles as I hold my breath and the whimper, "Where is he?" "Out. Are you worrying?" I Slowly shake my head as he waves his knife in my face. He draws it back and says, "I enjoy you panic." I glare and cross my arms.

He chuckles more as I turn and continue to play with Sally, yet worrying quietly about Jack, 'I need to stop worrying! He is probably fine!" I smile at Sally as she starts to realize my over thinking.

After a few hours I sigh, I am tired! I slowly walk to Jack's room and sit down and stare at his empty bed. I visualize dust and laugh to myself, I am thinking about him too much... I stand up again and glace out side and smile and run to the door my mind set on staring at the stares to get my head away from Jack.

I open the door and smell the cool, refreshing air on my face. I smile and calmly walk over to a small clearing. I plot myself down eagerly and stare at the bright stars, and let my mind wonder when I tense when I feel movement next that... lays down?

When I found the courage to look over slowly and hesitantly I quickly sighed of relief, it was Jack. Just then I realize how tense I was and relaxed while forcing my heart to follow suit. He chuckles as he hears he sigh.

I rub my face and hiss mainly to myself, "You scared me!" He chuckles more, His quiet laughter barely echoing across the forest. I look over at him amused as he said, "I didn't realize I was being so quiet!" I Feel so happy and calm now... I wonder if he feels the same... I shake my head, there is no way. I close my eyes and feel the cold air on my face.

I glance at him, he seems uncomfortable or unsure... I sit up a little and asks, "Are you okay?" He nods then replies, "I am just deciding if I..." I quietly listen for him to continue I heard him give a soft huff as if to say, 'Fine' to himself I tilt my head and lay down, My head racing with ideas. 'Will he hug me? Kiss me?" I shake my head there is no way!

I Look back up to him to see he has his mask off, he was relaxed now. He enjoyed the soft breeze on his soft looking dark ashy grey skin. I blink and take in the details, black tar slowly falling from his eye sockets. I shake my head as I knew that he noticed my staring by the way he tensed.

Slowly I roll back down and shiver a little from cold and hope he knew it was from cold and not from his look, I still admire his looks. I forgot my coat though, how foolish of myself. I wiggle quietly, I would have walked inside by now but now he has his mask off and is enjoying the cold night with me.

I hesitate I felt like I was in a freez- My thoughts were quickly cut off when I felt a warm arm wrap around me I almost wiggled closer but froze unsure as I herd him says, "You do know you could have just said you were cold." He seemed happy or relieved, He thought I shivered about his face!

I felt a little bad but I didn't reply as I hesitantly wiggle closer to him gladly inviting the warmth. The calm atmosphere caused me to remember how tired I was as I tried my best yet failed, and slowly slipped to sleep. I felt safe with him although he is a cannibal.

It was odd yet I enjoyed it as I felt my body slowly go limp I almost tensed when I felt him shift a little and stand. I was too far in sleep to move, yet I was still awake, mainly from forcing my self to stay awake. Soon, I felt my weight get lifted. I was in his arms, he picked me up!

I continued to fight sleep as I was walked though the mansion toward his room. I felt my tired, limp body get set down on my bed, and get covered yo then a gentle kiss on my forehead. I smile a little and gave up to the fight of sleep as he stood and sat on his bed.


I had a very short time limit because school is starting so sorry for it being short and for taking so long, hopefully I have added more detail then the other chapters. Thank you!

Blind Love (Eyeless Jack x Female reader) -OLD-Where stories live. Discover now