So Close

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I sigh while sitting quietly watching him organize his medicine that he may need in the future. I tilt my head and asks, "Why do you always organize that?" He answers calmly, "So I remember where I placed it all."

I glance to my right to see a rock next to me and smile and grab it and reach out to place it in the box but when hand hovered over the box, ready to place the smooth rock in there when he moved his hands he placed every thing down next to him.

I was about to place it in there but he grabbed my wrist and sighed softly and states, "Don't do that." My heart was racing in surprise. I take my hand back and glared at him confused and says, "You're blind right?" He nods then says, "I have other sense that are better then an average human."

I huff softly then announce, "Still curious about what you were going to say two days ago." Jack froze and look up at me, "You still remember that?" I nod happily for remembering but he sighs and mumbles, "I forgot." I glare slightly but doesn't nag about it.

After a few minutes of him shuffling through his items I get bored and walk out of his room to the kitchen. I grab an apple and sit on a chair and watches Hoodie and Masky walk in, I have seen them around every so often.

I lose interest since I finished my apple and they simply start talking to each other, not even acknowledging me. I sigh and ask Ben if I can play a video game with him. He makes me wait what felt like hours then let me join, and of course beats me over and over again.

I lean on the couch and say out loud, "Today is very boring..." Ben agrees barely paying attention making me sigh with some irritation. I stand and walk away back to Eyeless Jack who was just finishing up with his organizing.

So, I repeat my statement I said to Ben Drowned. He nods and says, "Wouldn't that be a good thing?" I sigh and replied, "I guess..." I stare at him longer, he was still wearing his mask. 'He must still be embarrassed from a few days ago...' I thought then speak out loud, "Can I take off your mask?" He pauses then asks, "Why?"

I tilt my head and say, "Because you haven't taken off your mask all day and part of yesterday." Jack sat quietly for a second then says, "I guess...?" I smile and move closer to him and take off his mask and smiles to see his face again.

He looks up at him and smiles while saying, "Happy?" I nod and giggle then ask, "Are you going to leave today? I feel kinda stuffy being here for so long." Jack chuckled and said, "Yeah, I needed more food anyways.

Usually I get uncomfortable but now I felt rather cool with the fact that kidneys were his food. He stands and sighs while reaching for his mask but before he grabbed it I moved it and placed it on him and stuck out my tongue playfully.


Jack continued to watch me closely since the time I got shot in the leg. This time however I learned from Masky and Hoodie, thanks to Toby for convincing them. However he continued to be extra cautious. I smiled as we entered the house. I went to the kitchen to take some food that I like since this way was more exciting to take stuff this way instead of asking Slenderman.

Jack didn't mind and when he finished we would meet near the place where we entered. This night however, was going to be different. I heard a car drive into the parking lot and I heard them start walking to the door. I run up the stairs and found Jack, finishing up with the human.

Jack blinked and heard it too and we ran into a closet. I gasp and then cover my mouth as we hid in there and pushed ourselves against the back wall. It was a rather small closet so when the door opened as they put stuff in the closet, we held our breath.

I glance over at him since when they closed the door as we heard them start talking on the phone. I could hear Jack's soft growl. Even I knew that if we walked out to kill him the person on the other side on the phone would call the police.

We were standing next to each other it was so small and sat down as we waited for them to hang up. Usually it would be fine but it might not be enough time since he hasn't cleaned up all the evidence and such.

After an hour or more they hang up Jack lifted his head and smiled. He heard them leave to what they assume the bathroom or eat. Jack opens the door and says, "That kinda sucked." I chuckled quietly as he follows the male human to kill him.

When Jack came back I smiled and said, "Ready to go?" He nods and makes sure he has every thing and heads out to leave with me.


When we got to the mansion he placed his stuff away while I put a few of the food items that I found away. After a while we walked back to him room and I sat at the end of the bed and stared at him as Jack laid down and sighed.

I play with my figures and say, "It was pretty cool being locked in a closet with you for an hour..." He chuckled and said, "Why? we didn't do anything." I shrugged and said, "It reminded me of 7 minutes in heaven..." He sits up and looks at me and said, "Well if you wanted that, I could have shown you."

My face flushed quickly, I felt the burn of my blush as he chuckled as I stuttered, "Well you still haven't killed me yet." He stared longer at me then looked down again while sat in his bed. I blinked a few times as we sat quietly.

I some what regretted saying that since the silence was so long. Then he spoke, "I am going to sleep now, it's almost 3 am." I blink and look at the clock and raise my eye brows. She stared her her bed and sighed, she didn't want to sleep.

After a few minutes of me laying in bed since I got up and laid down I heard Jack softly snoring. I look over at the sleeping creepypasta and stand up in till I was next to his bed staring at him when suddenly he says, "Can't sleep?" I freeze then nod slowly before realizing he can't see but he understood and scooted over slightly making room for me.

At first I didn't know what to do and simply sat there then decide why not, he is letting me so. I slowly climb in bed, my eye wide since I was not use to this but quickly got comfortable when his arm reached around me.

After a couple minutes of laying there I suddenly got tired and slowly fell asleep in his arms yet my mind raced before I slept.


SO SORRY!!!!!!!!! I gotten so busy with family etc. I may not update very often by I will update when I can

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