Messing around not flirting. Right?

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   I woke and instantly sat up to look out the dusty window. I smile as I see the sun creeping up over the shaded dark trees. I spin myself around so it covered me like a cocoon so I could see the soft warm golden sun climb over the sky.

I breath as if I was out side I glance over to the dark room, that Jack sat quietly in, his mask... off. I rise my eyebrows when I realized in the past he has been taking his mask off more often. I nod a little and smile knowing he is getting comfortable.

I heard a gruff chuckled and jump a little and look over to see him smiling as he speaks, "Do you enjoy seeing me with out my mask?" I, instead of giving a straight answer I state, "No I just stare at your face for as long as I can for no reason because I don't like staring at your face." He chuckles a little more and says, "I will take that as a compliment."

I laugh and look at the sun that has now over the trees, the prettiest part gone pout, and whine, "Your hansom face distracted me from the pretty sun..." He stays silent for a second as if he was stunned with my comment soon he replies, "We can watch the sun set this evening." I blink then smile, "Okay."

Soon I stood and wondered over to his bed, quietly excited for this evening. I sat on his bed and stared at his dark grayish skin. I watched as some tar fall down his cheek more. He chuckles and says, "You really do stare a lot." I felt the heat rise in my face as I look away then look back.

I look back at him and slowly reach out and feel his ashy skin, which was surprisingly soft. I watch his smile slowly form I open my mouth then quietly let the words fall out of my mouth, "Your skin is soft." He sighs and says, "Sure yours is too." I laugh and said, "Naw." He suddenly reached out causing my hand to smack myself in the chest.

He laughed harder and felt my cheek a little and said, "Yep, defiantly soft." I look at him challenging and poked him on the nose while saying, "Boop!" I laugh and blink confused when I felt his hand, yes, poke my nose back and whisper softly, "Boop."

My mouth hung open as he smiled proudly. I quickly tap his nose and fall off the bed a little as he stood up and poked my nose back. Soon I covered my nose when I poked his nose. I laughed louder as he tried to softly move my hands so he could poke my nose back.

I sat in the corner as he tried to move my hands to reach my nose, soon he moved a little and I soon realized he moved so he picked me up and threw me on the bed, I yelp and moved my hands onto the bed for support and felt a soft tap on my nose as he said, "Boop." I quickly tapped his nose but before I could cover my nose he grabbed my wrists with both hands and pinned me to the bed.

I blinked in confusion and when my mind processed what was happening. In a minute of realization I say, "So how are you going to poke my nose now?" I smile in triumph and although I was pinned, He couldn't poke my nose.

His smile turned to a smirk as he kissed my nose and said, "I win." I felt my skin turn bright red as he placed his forehead on mine while I was still pinned. I let a soft giggle escape my lips as I closed my eyes and felt his soft warm forehead on mine. I almost snickered when I realized he was blushing too, so I slowly opened my eyes again so I could see his grey ashy skin a bright red.

We sat there for a bit longer as we caught our breath when he whispered, "(Y/N)?" "Yes?" I answer listening carefully. "I-I Think-" He was cut off by Jeff who bursted though the door saying, "By the way, it's-..." He stared in disbelief as Jack launched himself off me as I sat up quickly and hugged my legs, both Jack and I burning bright red. He grabs his mask which was conveniently near him, luckily he didn't put it upside down as Jeff chuckled a little and yelled, "JACK AND (Y/N) ARE FLIRTING!" I covered my face as I felt like a fire with gasoline poured on it.

His laugh echoed across the halls as BEN peeked in his room almost instantly. He laughed and started probably walking to where a T.V was. I look up at Jack who had his hand on his forehead, 'Wondered what he was going to say...' I wondered and wiggled a little as some walked by the door curious.


Jack and I have been avoiding everyone mot of the day, I felt so embarrassed, I wondered how he felt, they know him better and longer so they must be teasing him soon, or something. I not sure how they would act to him.

I was sitting in his room, still wondering what he would say, when Jack walked in and said, "You ready?" I blinked then realized the sun was setting. 'Wonder if he was excited too.' I thought and grabbed a coat and followed him up the stair.

At first I was confused why we were going up stair instead of out then I remembered the roof would have a better view.

When we reached the roof I smiled and breathed in the fresh air. I look at him as he sits and settles in an area on the roof, which had a wonderful view of the sun.

I sighed as I watch the sun set, the scene slowly turning into a dark and almost creepy forest once again. Sometimes I feel like I actually like the creepy and dark more then the beautiful view when it the morning. Yet the both are beautiful, in their own way.

By now I have my head rested on Jack shoulder and we chat for a bit, joke a little. Then it all goes silent and I question the thought that has haunted my mind for some time, "What were you going to say?" He knew what I was talking about yet he questioned me. We talk about it for a second, he acts like he was going to say nothing but I got close to him telling me but he said, "It's nothing, don't worry about it." I decide to stop questioning him and watch the forming stars.


Thanks for reading, sorry for the wait, I been busy with school. Hopefully now I got over the confusing times for now so I can start updating more!

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