chapter 1

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Hi im lucy paul im the youger sister of jake and logan paul and i just turned 18 and moved to L.A to live with logan!

Lucys p.o.v

"Wake up lucy!" I heard someone yell "you will be late for your flight!" They said again i sat up to see my mum taking my suit case down stairs "coming mum" i said with exitment. I had a shower put on a cute out fit and put my hair in a braid i then went down stairs and got a text from logan.

Loggy💕:hey lucy cant wait for you to get here!

Loggy💕: text me when your landing❤

Me: ok cant wait either! Just leaving to get to the air port💕

"Lucy let go now" i heard my mum say she already put my bags in the car so i got in and we started driving.

--------skip car ride-------

We finaly got to the air port i gave my mum a big hug then pulled away

"I love you mum" i said

"I love you to text me when you land and give hugs and kisses to the boys" she said

"Will do" i said before hugging her one more time i walked away went through security and hopped on the plane!

-------skip plane ride-----

It was 5 mins before i laded so i decided to text logan!

Me: hey loggy my plane is about to land💕

Loggy💕: ok im here waiting and dont call me loggy you know i hate itttt!!!!😂😭

Then i got a text from my other brother jake!

Jakey❤: i lil sis soz i couldnt come to the air port today but i will come see you tomoz with team 10😘😘

Me: its ok jakey cant wait to see you and team 10 its been sooo long!!!❤❤❤

The plane has just landed i got of and looked around for logan then i saw him, he was vlogging so decided to scare him!

"Boo!" I shouted putting my hands on his sholders

"You scared me never do that again!"he said

I bursted out laughing as we got my luggage and went to the yeti (logan's car) he put my luggage at the back and drove to his appartment. When we got there he showed me my room it had light purple walls with king size bed and a flat screen tv in it with a bathroom as well! Logan the left me and said he was going to walk kong so i decided to unpack and decorate my room and after 2 hours i felt happy with it.

I walked out of my room to see 5 boys on the couch with my brother talking they all stoped talking and stared at me.....


Hey i hoped you enjoyed this if you did comment what should happen!?❤ love y'all!

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