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Lucys p.o.v 

I walk out to see 5 boys talking to my brother once they saw me they stared i smiled and went to the kitchen then went back to were they were. 

"This is my little sister lucy" he said to the 5 guys 

Logan introduced me to them and point to them as he said there names there was daniel,jack,joanh,zach and corbyn and they all smiled so i smiled back i then caught myself looking at jack he had curly hair wich looked like noodles so i said

"Nice noodles jack" i said bursting out laughing they all laughed to even jack

Jacks p.o.v 

I was at logans house with the guys talking then a beautiful girl walks out of a room i nugged everyone and we stared and smiled at her she then smiled back went to the kitchen the came back logan then introduced her her name was lucy he then introduced us i caught her staring at me with a smile then i heard her say...

"Nice noodles jack" she said laughing then everyone else joind in and so did i we ended up talking then she came up with an idea to play 25 questions

Lucys p.o.v

We all decided to play 25 questions while logan went to go to set of vally girl and i decided to go first so daniel asked the first question

"What is your fav colour" he said

"Purple" i said back the jack asked me a question that suprised me and even the other guys!

"Are you single"?? He said

I replyed with"im a single pringle i said with a cheesy smile then we carryed on playing i found out that they are a boy bad called why dont we and that zach is the yougest and joanh is the oldest

We then decided to watch a movie the guys picked we then got the couch joanh and corbyn on the end and me and jack i the middle zack and daniel were on the floor. I ended up falling asleep on jack half way through the movie and so did the boys and by the time logan came home he didnt mind and went to bed him self.

The next morning woke up to the sounds of camares all i could hear was "be quite you will wake them up!" "Im trying!" Both of you shut up!" Thats when i slowly started to get up and saw the boys taking pics of me and jack!

Corbyns p.o.v 

I woke up this morning to see jack and lucy cuddling on the couch so i woke up joanh daniel and zack we then took pics of them it was sooo cute the i heard zack say "be quite you will wake them up!" "Im trying"said joanh then daniel said "shup up!"then lucys started to  wake up and she asked what we were doing and we showed us the pics of her and jack then started to blush like crazy jack woke up not to long ago after that and azked what was going on we told him and he also started to blush 

Jacks p.o.v

I woke up to here lucys and the guys talking so i asked what was gojng on they explaind and showed my the pics and i got super embaressed and got so red and then logan came in with camera and said 

"Ayo good morning logang whats popp'n"he said then turned around and said "who else saw how cute jack and my litle sis were last night" he said laughing  and i got even more red

Lucys p.o.v

When logan came out of his bed room and did his intro for the vlog and then he said "did anyone else see how cute and my little were last night" he said laughing i went red and so did jack. Then after a while logan went to set and the boys were about to leave with jack asked "can i het you number?" I then said "yes"he gave me his phone and put my name as lucy💕 we then said good bye and so did the other boys so i did my normal morning by having a shower getting dressed brushing my teeth and hair then i texted jake to say i was coming over to the team 10 house 

Jakey❤: ok see you in 10 mind lil sis :)

Me: ok jakey just leaving😆

I called a uber then made my way to the team 10 house to see someone waiting for me out side......


I hope you guys like part 2 💕 give me some names so i can give the guys some girlfriends exept jack and corbyn





And what should i name lucys two best friends???😜

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