Chapter 13

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Lucys p.o.v

I come out of the shower and get ready for the day then i go to mine amd jacks bunk and scroll through instagram looking at all my hate most say "your using jack" or "jack can do so much better" mabye there right mabye jack does deserve so much better i mean i love jack with all my heart i would do anything for him he is my ride or die but mabye im not good enough for him..."baby dont think like that" i turn around to see jack mabye i didnt say it in my head then..."i love you so much lucy your the best thing thats ever happend to me" he spoke "i love you so much jack i never want to lose you" "i know baby" he leand in for a kiss and kissed me i kissed back and it felt like all our kisses that gave me butterflys in my stomach 

"Please eat not baby we dont want you not eating" "fine" we got up and went to the kitchen everyone was in then daniel came and hugged me and wispered "i love you sis dont starve yourself please" i wispered back saying "dont worry dani i wont i love you to" 

I ate a saled then went exploring with jack around the place when i saw my crazy ex i tuhhed on jack and wispered "j-jack.." "what is it lucy?" "My crazy ex is there...when i say crazy i mean he is crazy!" "Comon lets head back" jack said taking my hand then running towards the bus when we got on the bus i gotba text from him...

{Messages L=lucys M=matt}

M= hi boo i miss you❤😏

L= leave me alone and never talk to me again!

M= aww someone scared i know you still love me😏😏😏

L=i never liked you, you were black mailing me! And those things wernt even true now get lost!

{Lucy blocked matt}

I started crying i just wanted to go home now...aspen walked in amd saw me crying and came and sat next to me and tryed calming me down "lulu whats wrong?" I showed her the phone and she looked scared "w-what i-i-if he comes looking for me..?" "Dont worry i will be right back ok.."

Aspens p.o.v 

I had to show the guys what matt had been texting lucy shes gone through so much these days we cant cause her any more pain "so this is the crazy ex me and lucy saw today?" Jack said WHAT YOU SAW HIM TODAY?!" i shouted "ye we were walking around the lucy saw him and told me and we ran back here ASAP" oh no....


Hoped you enjoyed byee famm💙💙

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