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I came out to see....SETH, CHLOE AND JACOB!

"Hey guys!" I said hugging them "what are you doing here?!" Megan asked "we came to see you guys!" Chloe said "but were going back tomorow.."seth said "why?! You only just got here??" "I have school and seth and chloe are going back to university" jacob said "well we better get going so i will facetime you later megan!" Chloe said walking towards the door "common guys we better get going to!" Aspen said we walked to my car and i drove aspen home then the boys and then me and megan went home it was quite late so i went to bed while megan was on facetime with chloe.

{The next morning}

I woke up again feeling sick...ugh..can i just ask why is it always me getting sick?! Megan wasnt here and aspen was busy with family and the boys were recording today so i called tessa and erika

Lucy: hey guys im sick😷

Tessa: awww honey were coming with ice cream pizza and meds so hang in there💕

Erika: ya i bring the soup and blankets were on our way babes💕

Lucy: thanks guys💜

Both: np babes💙

10 mins later erika and tessa walked through the door with soup ,blankets ice cream and movies we then snuggled up on the sofa and watched movies until i fell asleep and erika went to make me soup and tessa went to make me a cup of tea and get the ice creamthey sat back on the sofa until i woke up wich took only 5 mins.

Then i went to post a picture on instagram...

Then i went to post a picture on instagram

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Seaveylucy: i hate being sick...😷🤒

Photocreds📸: tessabrooks
Tagged: @tessabrooks and @erikacostell

Alissaviolet: get better soon babes💕

Jackaverymusic: i will be over soon babe💜

Whydontwe: you should have told us and we wouldnt of gone to record💙

Aspenloffler: i wish i could be with you babes!💕 get well soon💚

User1:^^^ get well soon lucy!

Hater1: die already!

Corbynbesson: ^^ dont talk to my best friend like that! Go get a life! And get well soon bestieee💙

User2: get better soon

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I then drank my tea and ate my soup and thanked erika and tessa for look aftering me then i told them they could go so i could go to bed and sleep a bit more so i hugged them and said my goodbyes then they left and i curled up in my bed and driffted of to sleep but i didnt need to worry about the wdw boys coming over because i gave jack and daniel both a spear keys just in case.


Sorry for the short chapter but updating now so yeah! Peace out nuggets✌

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