we could not have been more alone.
[the dark is here, rippling apart
castles in air--no,
since the beginning
it hasn't been there.]
here comes the sun,
promises, promises.
for light. where is the fun?
[felony, clemency, enemy,
we've written on stars a tragedy.]
i see you. you see me.
but blindness isn't black,
and we collapse.[i'd trade knife for your life.]
a small consolation for the desolation:
a heart for retribution.
[knife for your life, nothing as best.
the heart awaits, then a pierce--
to my chest.]
i love you i love you i love you
and i bleed.
PoetryAgain: precarious. When blood remains, I see the world tripping over the edge of the sword, red and forgotten. They drop, drop, drop-- balance. And we fall endlessly. [a poetry series by alice © 2017]