Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It was late afternoon, and she was getting supplies. After putting bonemeal on every single mushroom, she went to collect some items. She walked past a man with blonde hair, with a lab coat and goggles. “Hello Duncan!” She called to him. He smiled at her warmly, and ran up to meet her. Walking alongside her, he chatted happily.

“Whatcha doin’ Zoey?” He asked, nudging her gently. Zoey’s face grew red, and she started becoming very interested in her shoes.

“Nothing, just getting supplies, I guess,” She mumbled shyly. Her eyes soon were full of curiosity as she gazed up at the scientist. “What about you? Are you working on some sciency stuff?”

He chuckled softly. “Yeah, you could say that. I should probably get going, though. Lots to do.”

Zoey smiled understandingly, but her eyes were a bit disappointed. “Oh, ok. I guess I’ll see you later then.” She waved as he walked back to his house, and she trekked onward.

She found her way into a wooded area a few minutes later. Berries, wood, ferns, and leaves. That’s what she needed. She fearfully stepped into the thick treeline. She never liked the dark, her imagination created monsters out to get her. Not to mention, the real monsters that lurked in the dark. After regaining some courage, she walked further in. “Relax,” She whispered to herself. “There aren’t any monsters.”

He had just woken up, his hair messy with sleep, tiredness still etched on his features. He sat up, and ran a hand through his hair, yawning. He threw the covers off of himself, and stood up. Stretching, he made his way back downstairs, grabbing his belt and rings as he went. He grabbed a bucket from a chest, and got himself some water from the stream outside. Then, he caught a few fish, and made himself a fish fillet for dinner. The sun was low in the sky, the first stars shining faintly. Finishing the fish, he shoved the plate into the overflowing sink, and sat down at a desk in the far corner. Books were piled on and around the desk, and, plopping down at the chair, he started reading from a large, old book nearby.

He spent a good hour reading from the book. By that time, the sun was gone, and the moon was high in the sky. He stood up and stretched, his muscles aching. He went up the stairs, back to the bedroom, and looked out through the window. The sky was dark, stars shining brightly. He half-smiled, gazing up at the twinkling lights. His mind started drifting to a faraway place. That was, until, he heard a shriek.

He bolted upright from his slouched position at the windowsill. The sound was unfamiliar, but it seemed human. He dashed to his bedside table, and quickly shoved the rings back on his fingers. Picking up the armor on the floor, he slid them on, along with his belt. He then darted down the stairs, skipping steps. Once at the bottom, he ran to a chest marked “Rythian’s Things, DO NOT TOUCH” and wrenched it open. There was a shining silver sword and a couple of glass bottles with different colored fluids in them, along with other useless junk. He pulled out the sword, and attached it to his belt. He then proceeded to stuff the vials into his belt as well. Then, he sprinted out the door, ready to help or kill whatever was out there.

A few moments after coming out of the door, another cry broke through the silence of night. He listened intently to mark the direction in which the sound was, and came to a conclusion that it was in the woods a mile or so from his location. He quickly lifted himself off the ground, the ring on his left index finger glowing slightly. He speedily flew to the woods, the mile long trip taking only a few minutes. He dropped to the ground, and carefully stepped into the wooded area, stealthily placing his feet.

The silence was deadly. He knew that becoming forever lost in woods like that were very possible. Another small cry came from nearby, and he ran towards it, branches slashing his arms and face. He came into a small clearing, with a girl, crouched behind a tree in fear. His eyes narrowed in suspicion. Who was she? Did he know her? “Hello,” He said softly. “Are you alright?” Her eyes widened, and she ducked behind the tree. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He made his way up to her, and saw that her leg was badly cut.

“Hey, it’s ok. Can you stand?” He asked kindly. She nodded wearily, and stood. As soon as she did, she collapsed, gasping in pain. He caught her before she fell completely, and looked at her, her face was scraped, and her eyes filled with fear. “How did you get the cut on your leg?”

“A m-monster,” She replied, her lip quivering. “A zombie, h-he clawed at me, but I ran away.”

He nodded. “Let’s take you back to my tower, get you patched up.” Lifting her up, he rose off the ground. She grasped tightly to him as he did so.

“W-what are you doing?” She asked worriedly.

He rolled his eyes. “Magic. It’s called flying.” He flew up out of the thick woods, and brought her back to his tower. He sat her down on a small bench, and turned to his chest.

The girl looked around, awestruck. “What is all of this?”

“Magic stuff,” He replied over his shoulder, digging in the chest. A few moments later he faced her once more, with bandages, and a cloth. “Let’s clean up that leg now, shall we?”

He wet down the cloth with water from the sea, and rubbed it over her cut. She winced, and he sighed. “If you want me to help, you have to sit still.”

She nodded. “Sorry,” She said apologetically. Her brows furrowed in thought. “What’s your name?” She asked. He grunted.

“Doesn’t matter. You won’t be seeing me again.”

His answer didn’t satisfy her. “I just wanted to know. My name’s Zoey.”

“Rythian.” He replied simply. “My name is Rythian.”

“Well Rythian,” Zoey said, trying to make her voice rough. “How did you find me in those woods?” Then added quickly, “Were you spying on me? Stalking me even?”

“I had actually heard your girly scream, and wanted to make sure you were ok.” Rythian replied smartly. He reached for the bandages, and began wrapping her leg. “Don’t assume anything about me.”

“Oh,” She replied, crestfallen. Rythian had finished wrapping her leg, and she flexed it. “Thanks for that.” She then saw the cuts on his face from the branches. “Wait, what about you?”

“What about me?” He responded. She gestured to his face.

“What about your cuts? Aren’t you going to fix those too?”

Rythian turned to put the remaining bandage back in his chest. “No, those don’t need any fixing. They aren’t causing me any pain.”

“Are you going to cover those with that mask too?” She questioned innocently. She was curious about why Rythian wore the mask. She thought that maybe he had scratches like that, and didn’t like people seeing.

Rythian pivoted on his heel to look at her, anger in his eyes. “No. Have you got a problem with it?” He countered venomously. Zoey winced slightly at his harsh tone.

“No, I-I’m sorry Rythian.” She responded, hurt by his words. She could tell she upset him greatly. “I didn’t mean any-”

“As I said,” He cut her off. “Never assume anything about me.” He took a look at her face, the fright in her, quite beautiful, blue eyes. He sighed. “Look, it’s alright, just don’t judge a book by it’s cover.”

She smiled slightly, nodding. “Ok Rythian. I’m sorry.”

He looked outside. “It’s quite late, probably too late to take you home. You may as well stay here for the night.” He gestured to the bench. “You can sleep there. I’ll get some blankets.”

After bringing her the blankets, Rythian made sure Zoey was settled in. She smiled warmly, saying thanks. He started trudging up the stairs tiredly. Another late night.

“Goodnight Rythian,” She called as he went up.

“‘Night Zoey,” He mumbled back.

Author's Note:

Hello lovely technomancers, technomages, whatever you guys are called. I really hope you're enjoying the story so far. I've been trying to think of what to put in this story, but all I can think about is the ending, which I already have planned... Mwhahaha! Anyways, thanks for reading, and goodbye for now!


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