The past

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Sam's POV

It was eight-o-clock when we got to Danny's house. Danny and I went downstairs and he logged on his computer so I could look through the picture files. I searched through the files and found some pictures of Paulina. Ten minutes later I found the file I was looking for. The folder had the same pictures as Sandra's. Except for the photo of me and Sandra. "See Danny, these are the same photos as the ones on Sandra's computer.", I said while scrolling down and showing him the pictures. "Hey you're right Sam, the boy in the photos does look like me. Hey wait a minute, that is me when I was little.", Danny said while pointing at the one where Sandra is sitting on his lap. As soon as Danny said that he ran upstairs.

Danny's POV

As soon as I told Sam that was me as a little kid I ran upstairs into the kitchen. "Hey mom, does a girl named Cassandra Manson mean anything to you?", I asked my mom thinking she might know something about her. "Oh, you mean Cassy? Well of course I know something about her. I remember how she used to come over all the time and hang out with you and Jazz. Cassy and you could talk for hours and wouldn't care what time it was. I also remember how sad you two were the day she had to leave.", my mom explained. Wow, I can't believe we knew each other and now Sandra doesn't even remember me. "Hey, are you two talking about Cassy?", my dad asked as he walked into the kitchen. "Yeah, why Jack?", my mom asked. "No reason, I just remember how great of a kid she was. I don't think there's any bad in her.", my dad praised. "Um mom, have you seen Bearbert?", Jazz asked walking into the kitchen. "He's in the living room on the coffee table.", mom pointed to where the coffee table stood. "Ok, thanks mom.", Jazz replied as she went to go get her obnoxious bear. "Danny, why don't you invite Cassy over to stay?", mom suggested. "Cassy's here, in Amity Park?!", Jazz asked excited. "Yep and Danny's going to invite her to stay tomorrow.", mom chimed. "Awesome!", she screamed. "Um Jazz, I'm sorry to burst you're bubble and all, but I don't think she remembers you anymore.", I told her with a slight smile on my face. "And why do you say that Danny?", she asked with her arms crossed. "Cause she didn't even remember me, that's why.", I told her as sadness covered my face. "What'd mean she doesn't remember us?", Jazz asked with a shocked expression. "Don't ya think being away from somebody a couple of years makes you kinda forget them after so long?", I answered back with another question for her. "Yeah, I guess, but you're going to invite her knowing that she doesn't even remember us?", she asked getting confused? "She might remember us because we always called her Cassy and we're almost the only ones who called her that. Well I'm going to bed, see you in the morning.", I waved goodnight. As I was about to go up to my room, I just realized I left Sam downstairs by herself. So I hurried down to the basement to find her gone. I pulled out my cell phone and called her. The phone rang five times before she answered. "Hello?", Sam answered. "Sam, where are you, I thought you were still downstairs?", I asked worried. "Oh, sorry to disappear on you like that Danny, but my parents called and told me I had to come home, so I didn't get to tell you.", Sam explained. "Oh, ok, I was just making sure no ghost got you or anything. Hey, did you check on Sandra by any chance when you got home?", I asked with a hint of hope in my voice. "Yeah, she's still asleep in her bed where we left her.", Sam said with a laugh. "Alright, well see you later then.", I said. "Bye and goodnight Danny.", she said then hung up. 

I'm half ghost just like you (Danny Fenton)Where stories live. Discover now