Will He Be Alright?

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I grabbed my phone, and my keys and went straight out the door. I entered the car and made my way to the hospital. Traffic was worse than ever, but I didn't care, to be honest. All I wanted to know was if Baekhyun was alright. What had happened? My thoughts were interrupted when my phone starts to ring. I grab it and check who it was, I read Luhan across the screen. I answer and he starts to scream at me.


"Luhan..I'm on my way, I just got the call, now please don't scream. I'm not in the mood." I say in a cold voice.

Luhans' voice became shaky, and low. I hear a man talking in the background, I think its the doctor. But, I don't know. The talking stops, and I call out for Luhan.

"Luhan! Luhan! LUHAN!" I was impatient, I know its wrong.. But, how would you react if your boyfriend or someone you love was in the hospital, and you're on your way to the hospital but oh no I'm stuck in traffic. Then, your boyfriend's best friend scolds you for not being there, when actually you're getting there.

I take multiple sighs, trying to calm down. I wait for Luhan to respond and when he does, it seems like his crying.

"C-chanyeol.. Baekhyun is okay. The doctor said he'll be fine. He's awake now, and he wants to see you, but I told him you're on your way here right now." I feel like crying. But, I can't. I have to stay strong for Baekhyun.

"Alright.. I'll be there in 5 or less minutes, Luhan. Thank you. Goodbye." I respond and put my phone back in cup holder.

Luhan's POV:

I start to shake as the doctor comes out. "Are you Byun Baekhyun's family member or friend?" He asks me.

"Friend," I respond. "How is he doctor?"

"He's holding up. By the way, did he ever mention to you he has a tumor?"

W-what? B-Baekhyun has a tumor?!

"N-no, doctor.. he did not." I say, half crying, half wanting to die. I've been friend with Baekhyun since we were born. Our mom's were like sister, so we knew each other since, well I can't even remember!

"Well, the accident made the tumor worse. I'm sorry to say, but your friend has his time counted." he said, patting my shoulder. I raise my head to notice his name tag. I read Oh SeHun on it. He has dark hair, that was pushed to the side, probably with gel. He did not have any facial hair, which to be honest, was hot.

"A-about how much time does he have?" I asked.

"About a month and a half." He responds.

My heart cracked. A month.. I have to tell Chanyeol! CHANYEOL! I now just remember I was on call with him. I bow to Sehun and say millions of Thank you's.

"C-chanyeol? Baekhyun is going to be ok.." I lied. I wanted to tell Chanyeol the truth, but not when his driving. I have the feeling he'll do something stupid. I'll tell he when he arrives at the hospital.

Chanyeol thanks me for keeping him updated, and that he'll be here soon. I say okay, and hang up.

I sit down on the seat, and about five minutes later, Chanyeol comes rushing from the elevator.




Hallo Chingus~~

Since I had no school today (kekeke) and I have nothing to do.. Then why not update my Baekyeol fanfic?

Anyways, there still is no good news about the ferry ship accident.. But the updates about how many were found dead, missing, and rescued. Let's keep praying, because I know theres still some bodies alive! ;-;

Also, hope you all have a good day today, or for the rest of the day.. Saranghae ❤️

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