Chapter 2

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The professor walks in with me following behind.

"Students,we have a new student here with us.Take care of her"
The students just look at me but one of the girl that sit in the front row smile at me.
I smile with confidence,"Hi,everyone.My name is Elizabeth Kim.You all can call me Eli.Hope we can be friends and get along well"
"Well,Elizabeth.You may sit beside Hani,"he points at a seat beside the girl who smile at me just now.
After I bow to the professor,I walk to my place.
She smile at me,"Hi,My name is Park Hani.Please to meet you"
"Hi.It's a pleasure to meet you too"
We chatted a while and she's actually Professor Park daughter.

After 6 hours of studying(of course there is break in the middle),the school bell finally rings.
I hesitated a while before asking Hani to show me around the school.
She agree because her father will be staying a while to finish the work.
We pack our bag and walk around the school.
The school really is huge.
There are so many classes,music room,canteen and many more.
When we walk pass the corridor,I look down to the school compound and saw a guy.
He is looking at us.

"Hani,you see that guy down there?Is he waiting for you?"
"Oh,my boyfriend is waiting for me.He is a student of this school too but 1 year older"
"Oh.So sweet.I think you should go first in case he get jealous of me.Haha"
"Ok.See you tomorrow"

She run away happily.
I just chuckle while looking at her.
I decided to continue my trip around the school until I bump into a guy at the staircase.
I almost fell down but he caught me.
Our face is so close that I can feel his breath.

"Oh,sorry,"he let me stand properly.
"It's ok"
"By the way,my name is Kim SeokJin"
"Elizabeth Kim"
"How you know?!"
"Your nametag"
"Oh,yeah.Sorry.You can call me Eli and..."
"Oh.I am 1 year older than you"
"Oh.Senior.Well,I have to go and nice meeting you"
"Wait...,"he hold on my wrist.
"Don't you remember me?"
"Errr...I'm sorry but I don't know you"

He suddenly hugs me.
This feeling and embrace...
It's so familiar and soothing but I can't remember where I get this type of hug before.
I hug him back and lean my head on his chest.
After a while,I wake up from ny thinking.

"Sorry for hugging you.I...need to go.See you again,Jin"
I run away before he can say anything.
Why does he feel so familiar?
Who is him?

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