Chapter 5

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Back to Eli POV

I quickly run home after my encounter with Jin.
He is so weird.
Randomly hugging people but it feels like I've known him for a long time.
I reach home at no time.
I open the door and walk in to be greeted by my mom serving foods.
It smells so nice and I came home in the right time to have dinner.

"Mom,what are you making?"
"Oh,you are back.You are late today"
"Sorry,mom.I was walking around the school...well,exploring until I bump into a senior.So,we have a chat?"
"Oh,is it a guy?"My mom wiggle her eyebrow.
"Oops,sorry.So,how is it?"
"Ummm...well,he is kind of cute?Beautiful.A year older than me.If I am not wrong,his name is Kim SeokJin"
"Oh...,"my mom look a little shock but I just continue my talk.
"Well,he suddenly hugs me and say something weird to me like do I know who he is.I answer no but when he hugs me,it felt so familiar"
"Oh,ok.Dear,your father and I need to go meet with someone for our business.Can you have dinner alone?"
"Yea,it's ok mom.See you again.Safe trip"

After my mom left,I went to bath and change into a pair of fresh clothes.
After that,I quickly have my dinner.
It's a nice dinner.
After that,I went to my room to finish my homework and after that,I decided to sleep.
Tomorrow will be another new day.

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