Chapter 12

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I turn around and look at all of them.
There are like 10 to 15 of them.
Some of then have ropes and some is holding a bat.
They close in on me.

"What you all want?"
"For stealing our oppa,"she hit me on the head with the bat.

I fainted.
After a while,I wake up and feel myself being tie to a chair.
I can't move my hands and legs now.

"Me?Just a fangirl of BTS and the other girls here too"
"What do you...want?"
"We want you dead"
"Yea.I'm Hani and I am their leader"
"Why do you..."
She pull at my hair.
"I'm sorry then.Let me go.I promise I won't get close to them anymore"
"No!Girls,your playtime now"

All of them close up of me.
One of them even tape my mouth.
They start hitting me with the baseball bat.
Every hit just get more painful.
I think I just heard a bone break.
After 5 to 10 minutes,they stop.
Hani sit on my lap and pull the tape off.
She hold out a penknife.

"Let's see wether they will still like you or not after your face are scratch"

She close ny mouth with her hand and start to draw a long line on my check.
She draw so many lines on my cheek and I think there is going to be scar.
After that,they walk away leaving me alone.
I manage to get the rope off and walk back to my house with the little strength I still have.
When I reach,I quickly clean my wounds and wear a mask to cover the face.
I avoid my parents when they start asking me what happen.
They arr worry but I just assure them not to worry.

My Mr Vampire//Suga(completed)Where stories live. Discover now