We live, We laugh, We get down under hell's fire, We sink through the deep water, We sing till dawn, We transform our soul through the flaws on our own. So all you need to know for Life is -
Transformation of any kind is painful for you are pu...
Look up in the sky and wonder about what you actually need to do. Instead of thinking how to figure out this world with false hopes and desires. Make it go out of those days when you can only think about what is wrong with your life. Rathher think about what is possibly happening good in your life. Find a way where you can find every moment to be so full of life. Make this life worth living because you never know the arrival of your funeral letter at your steps. Live your life as achievers amd givers not just as learners and withdrawers. Tighten your belts and go out see the world you are born in. The beauty of this world where at times you can see the replica of heaven. Heaven is found not only in scenarios but in hearts of people you meet throughout this journey. Learn form others and take the best of what you can. Look and appreciate it's beauty. Here it is you and the life you choose to live. Dance in the darkness, break apart and build yourself again. Sing again those songs of your life because you once. Do not hold grudges and regrets but hold hands.
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Next moment may be your last but make it a b
For life will be exactly what you decide it to be. All yours. Live it as you love to.