Let In...

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In the world full of darkness we forget the paths crossed by so many souls and hearts and starts criticizing. Hold on you need to think for those hearts. They aren't alike yours or many more but something different from many. Life for them have different dimensions unlike yours. Things they once hold beneath your skin may wreck apart their nerve Now. So we need to know this-
A broken heart has experience immense pain and has been hurt uncountable times and yet it is strong enough to beat. ❤ You just cannot expect that person to trust you at once. 😕You need to put into a lot of effort, more than you ever imagined.😱 There will be times when your words would seem shallow to them.😟 Don't give up. 🙋There are times when they would want to run away cause they're unsure and definitely a bit messed up.🙇 They are often over protective to them. 😈 It is not easy to be with someone who's heartbroken but then no one said loving one would be easy. No one said ever that trust can be Bulit up in one day. All we heard in your lifetime is everything that seems worth it is never easy. And what is easy is never worth it. Good things,  good taste,  good heart, good soul,  good world needs times to be created.
Every brokenness brings within it a hurricane of calmness .

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