His Angel

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A/N: So this was a request from  @DreamyKawaii and I really hope
I got everything you requested. (I got carried away sorry XD)

PS: Sorry for any speeling or grammer mistakes. >_<

Words: 5.325 (I regrete nothing!)

Picture was found on Google
Video was found on YouTube (Jonathan Young is one of the best singers)

(Y/N) = Your Name
(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name
(Y/H/L) = Your Hair Length
(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Colour
(Y/E/C) = Your Eye Colour
(Y/F/C) = Your Favourite Colour
(Y/S/C) = Your Skin Solour


The Opera Populaire wasn' t the same anymore after the Chandelier fall down on to the floor and burned the building and leaving it in total chaos. On this day people died. Nothing was the same anymore. But thanks to the Viscount De Changey and his Wife the Opera could be rebuild in all it' s glory.

It may now look like nothing happened but everyone knew that the memories can't be rebuild that easily and now that the biggest star of the Opera, Christine De Changey, lived with the Viscount, The Opera didn't have a new star. The new begin was hard for everyone in the Opera.

But the one who had it the worst was Erik. After Christine left with Raoul and Erik himself had to escape from the Police, he hadn't a home or anything at all. It felt like just when he was a child when people would make fun of him and treated him like a monster. When he heard that the Opera was rebuild he hoped that he also could return. Just to have a place to stay, deep in the dungeons of the Opera.

Erik was sure that the people sealed some passages to his old lair. But these foolish men didn't knew about most of the secret escapes Erik prepared for such events. Not even Raoul, this ignorant man, couldn't find all of them.

The mirrors were still shattered and dust surrounded the whole room. Time went by fast. Not fast enough for him.
His broken heart still hurt everytime he looked around the lair.

The Organ was still were he left it. Taking a deep breath the masked man sat in front of the instrument and laid his fingers on the keys. His fingers lingered there for awhile. All those painful memories came rushing back and hit him right in his chest were his heart clenched. Still he started to play a tune. He did' t hear it too deep in his dark thoughts about the past, he played with all his sadness and anger.


In your 25 years you lived in this world, you wouldn' t imagine on playing in the Opera Populaire. Being a Girl who grew up in an Orphanage with no family or friends you only had the music that stayed by your side all those years. The Violin was your live saver, your true love. People would call you crazy of you spoke those words to anyone but this is how music was to you.

You played in the cold winter streets of Paris. It was a very cold winter and your thin dress and your overcoat that was too big for your fragile frame, didn't provided you any kind of warmth. Still you played even when your fingers hurt and were blue from the cold. The music from the known ballet ‚Swan Lake' was heard in the streets.
Monsieur André and Monsieur Firmin were just walking by to the Opera House when they heard the music coming down the streets. Sharing a knowing look both of them ran as fast as they could to the source of this beautiful melody.

They both stopped when they saw a young woman half frozen with thin clothes wrapped around her body and playing the Violin with closed eyes. Her (Y/H/C) was covered in snow just like right shoulder was. „Mademoiselle!Mademoiselle"Monsieur Firmin shouted and walked to her making the Woman jump in surprise. „Yes, Monsieur? Can I help you?" she asked her voice shivering from the cold she just now seemed to realize.

His AngelWhere stories live. Discover now