Chapter Two.

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"I take you, Alexis Jade Carpenter, to be my wife, to have and to hold, to love and cherrish, til death do us part. I will forever be yours, I promise to never cheat, to never lie and always be honnorful." He says slipping the ring onto my finger.

Awes roar through the crowd sitting in rows, down the small hill, over looking a waterfall.

"I do."

"I do." I smile.

"You may now kiss the bride." I lean in and kiss my newly husband, with a wide smile plastered on my face.

"I pronounced, Mr. And Mrs. -"


"Alexis!" I jump awake.

"What woman!" I yell looking at my fuzzy Mother. I wipe the sleep from my eyes and groaning.

"You have school in less than 45 minutes." She crossed her arms over her small chest. "When did you get in last night?" She raises a brow.

"Oh shit, I need to get in the shower." I hop up and run to my closet. I poke my head back out. "And around like 3:30."

"Jesus Christ Alexis, only 3 hours of sleep. How do you do it all the time?" She exclaims.

"I run better on less sleep then more anyways." I shout from my closet grabbing a pink blouse, dark blue ripped skinny jeans and black leather jacket. I run to my bathroom, turn the shower on and strip.

Once I'm done, I get out and dry off. I shake my hair all around with my fingers letting it get some air so it will dry fast. I'm letting it be its crazy, poofy, natural way today. I put my clothes on and go to my vanity and do my wings and mascara. I put on red matte lipstick then go grab my black combat boots and grab my phone off the charger.

I grab my 'purse' and backpack, throwing my keys in there and heading downstairs. I grab a banana and string cheese on my way out.

"Bye, I love you Ma!" I yell through the house. I hear her say she loves me too faintly before shutting the door.

Matt is already leaning on the passenger side of my car with his hair blowing around his face, the wind picking up. He looks so hot in his leather jacket. He looks like the hotter version of Danny from Grease, with his white v-neck t-shirt, light jeans and black boots.

Its spirit week, Monday is 1970's. So all of my friends and I dressed up like greasers and pinks. I kind of mixed the two.

I unlock my car and get in, I reach over and unlock the passenger door. Matt gets in and I hand him the string cheese he's asks me to get every morning.

"Thank you." He glances at me from his phone and takes a double take. "Sandy!" He exclaims.

"Danny!" I yell back and laugh.

"You look amazing." He looks my outfit up and down.

"Back at ya, stud." I wink at him and his cheeks turn pink.

"Thank you." He smiles shyly, looking to his feet.

I smile at how he still blushes when I give him a complement. It fills my stomach with butterflies. How could I possibly ever think of not being with this boy.

He's so perfect. His personality is so amazing, he's such a sweetheart. He genuinely cares about me. He's very funny. His looks are just a huge plus.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I have no clue why I can't just tell him how I feel. It has to be all this adoption stuff. Its really messed my head up. I don't know if I'm ready to be with anyone right now.

I will tell him before my week is up. By next Sunday I will have my answer. I back out of my driveway and head off to school. A chaotic morning awaits me.


"Best senior prank day in the history of this school goes to class of 2017!" The whole school roars from different classes as Kelly Mobley, head of the schools media says on the class tv.

"Wow, guys we broke school history!" I whisper yelled to Matt and Deashia in front of me - so that Mrs. Daniels couldn't hear me.

No one wanted any of the school staff to know who was all in on the pranks. So that they didn't get in trouble. But most of the school really knew who was in on it.

"I feel like a legend." Deashia says, her hair slightly hitting me in the face when she looks back at me.

"Legend of the losers." Matt rolls his eyes. Deashia crumbles up a blank piece of paper and hurls it at her brothers head. It smacks him in the center of his forehead.

"Goal!" I exclaim throwing my arms in the air. Mrs. Daniels throws me a glare across the room, sparkles shining all in her hair and on her face. I smile sweetly, lowering my arms slowly.

I look at Deashia, as she looks at me. After a second or two we both erupt in laughter. While Matt just stares at us with a fake glare.

"Miss Espinosa, Miss Martin! If you interrupt my class again I'll send you to the office!" She practicly screams at us.

I look around, then back to her. I can feel the attitude coming. I point a finger at myself.

"Are you talking to me? Because I'm pretty sure my name is Alexis CARPENTER." I say putting emphasis on the last name.

"Or have you forgotten that?" I raise an eyebrow at her. "I'm pretty sure your roster says that its Carpenter too. Or have you stopped using that everyday?" I fold my arms across my chest.

The whole class seemed to quiet down and pay all their attention to me. I'm surprised not one person isn't looking at me. Alexis Carpenter, the girl that always sits in the back and is quite, is talking back and giving the teacher attitude.

Well I used to be that girl. I'm more known now. I'm more..well. You could say I'm one of the most popular girls in senior class now.

Not because I got kidnapped. But because I've come out of my shell and talked to more people. Got more into cheering and social things with my peers, like parties, sports games, homecoming and clubs.

I'm head cheerleader now. Maggie stepped down as head cheerleader seeing that she was moving. She said Deashia and I was the best out of the whole squad.

They wanted us to have a cheer off to see who would become the new leader. But before I could protest and let Deashia have a go at it, she gave it up to me.

So now it was like I was destined to be with Matt. Ya know, the whole head cheerleader and the captain of the football team cliché.

Mrs. Daniels looked at me in utter shock. Then her face filled with anger. She pointed a very stern finger at the door. "Principals office!" She practically screamed.

I laughed and gathered my things up and put them into my bag. Standing up I chuck it over my shoulder and begin walking to the door.

As I reach the door I look back at my friends. Their faces blank and their mouths in an 'O' shape. I smirk before saluting them and walking out, shutting the door with a thud.

I admit, I am acting like a prick. But it just boils my blood that no one besides my close friends are calling me by my rightful name. My now legal name.

I began walking to the principals office. Sherii Carpenter.  The door read as I got in sight of it.

Aka my newly found Aunt.

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